

Judgment affirming the decision of the court of Flushing in the case of Peter Taelman vs. William Pidgeon

Scanned Document:

25 January

At the session, present: the honorable lord director general Petrus Stuyvesant, the lord Nicasius de Sille, the lord La Montagne, and the lord fiscal Cornelis van Tienhoven.

Pieter Taelman, petitioner in the writ of appeal, plaintiff, against William Pidgion [      ] petitioner, and [      ] [      ] magistrates of Vlissingen, who pursuant [      ] have appeared in order to uphold their judgment, having been heard and further study made of the judgment and of whatever else was pertinent, the director general and councilors delare the judgment pronounced on a liquid promissory note by the court of the village of Vlissingen, dated 4 January, last past, between Pieter Taelman and Wilham Pidgion, to be well founded, and poorly appealed; therefore, the petitioner is condemned to pay the expenses incurred hereon by both parties, on the one side as well as the other. Concerning his request for a renewed claim on a liquid debt, he is referred to his respective judges. Ady ut supra. (Was signed:) P. Stuyvesant, N. de Sille, La Montagne, Cor. van Tienhoven.


Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 6, Council Minutes, 1655-1656 (Syracuse: 1995). A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.