

Response of Governor Winthrop and the commissioners of the United Colonies to Petrus Stuyvesant

Scanned Document:

To the much honoured ffriend Mr. Peter Styvesant, Govemr Gener: of yet Ne. Netherld. Honoured Sr.

Your by this gent: Leift Baxter[1] I recd in a tyme of soe much bodilie weakness, as disabled me from intending any buisnes: and allthough it hath pleased the Lord to spare my lyfe, yett the Crazines of my head and feeblenes of my hand denies me libertie to write as I doe desire, either in congratulating your Comeing into these ptes or in tendring my respects to you, sutable to that Courtesie and good will you are pleased to hould forth not only to my selfe only, but also to all our nation, wch we may iustlie oblige mee to indeavour the continuance of that amitie & Correspondencie wch hath begune betwixt your much honoured predecessr Generall Kieft & myselfe, which I hope (through the Lord's good providence) may tend to the welfare of both nations: yor letter comeing in a tyme when the Comissionrs were mett, I acquainted them with it as in duty I was bownd (the busines properlie concerning them) they doe readilie embrace yor friendlie motion concerning a meeting, that all former questions & differences concerning titles and iniuries etc. may either be neighbourlie Composed or put in a such a way as may hopefullie tend thereunto & will to that end be ready, to give you a meeting in tyme and place convenient. Whiche Cannot well be before [      ] especiallie if my presence & pore help be desired I am brought soe low [      ] shall not be able to trauaile soe soone if you please to acquaint me [      ] impart it to them & retourne you theyr answere by the first opportunitie. I [      ] but the tender of my due respects & service to you. Wherrin I rest,

Boston, the 17th of August 1647 st. vet.

Att your service in all ffriendlie and neighbourlie offices

John Winthrop


This is probably George Baxter who was a member of Stuyvesant's council at this time.


A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.