

Governor Winthrop to Director General Stuyvesant

Scanned Document:

Mr: Winthrops first answere

Honoured Sir

Yours of the 24 (3) I received last night, which I thought fitt to give you [      ] I shall alsoe send yours to Mr: Bradford speedilie and vppon his answere I shall [      ] possible expedition of the tyme of meeting att Conneticut Sir I am heartily gl[      ] end of differences [      ] friendlie Compliance with us all, especiallie vppon those [      ] I doubt not but you shall finde us all to Close with you therein, and I hope the [      ] both pre[      ] soe I take leave and rest

Yours in all f[      ]you.

Jo[      ]

Boston in New Engl: 26 (3) 48 st: vert:

I Conceive the meeting cannot be bifore [      ]ber:

Mr: Winthrops 2[      ] answ[      ]

Honoured Sir
After I had sent awaye myne of the 26 (3) in answere of yours 24 may to be Conveyed on[      ] I received by Ro: Nash yours of Aprill 3d to which I desire to retourne answere by the same Conveyance [      ] be not passed before I can finish this if it be I shall lay hould on the next for truly Sir I am [      ] for Cordiall and Constant in your professed desires of peace and neighbourlie Compliance with us all [      ] reason [      ] doubte but your intentions are reall according to your profers and soe I shall expect to finde them when God shall please [      ] give us a meeting with you which I shall be most ready to attend when other occasions and our owne [      ] will permit, I cannot certainly declare till I heare from Mr: Bradford, but I suppose as I wrott in my former it is most like to be aboute the midst of September though I Could rather wish it might be a month sooner but I shall advise you certainlye by the next (if the Lord will) there be diverse things in your letter of Aprill 3d which I would have [      ] to deliver you my thoughts aboute, but I hope it will not prejudice the buisnes intented if I differ i. e. defer ] all til the meeting [      ] I assure you [      ] this from me that when Mr: Eaton gave me a touch of what he had heard, aboute stirring upp the lndi[      ] with all that it was but Indian intelligence and did gaine but little Credit with him, but if you [      ] som time [      ]eate your wisdom to consider what provocation they might Justlie apprehend from you by [      ] searching a ship oute of theyre harbour, but yet I shall not determine any thing aboute this [      ] them to mollifie your conceived injuries or apprehensions thereof: I shall take leave and [      ] att [      ]

John Winthrop

Boston 29 (3) Called May 1648


A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.