

Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Eaton

Scanned Document:

Honoured Sir ]

[Yours of the 4th of August, by your messenger, I recd, togeather with 2 from Mr. Winthrop, of one by Mr. Pebles, the other by the man yow sent, wherein I vnderstand of the differring the meeting vntill the next yeare, through some indisposition in Mr. Bradforde. I shall therefore recommend unto you that in the interim there may be all neighbourlie & mutuall intercoursse of friendship between vs, & noe incroaching uppone one anothers pretended right, vpon any pretences whatsoeuer, but that things may remaine in the same state as they are, vntill wee shall come to a friendlie, just and faire agitation. I shall likewise informe yow that your intertainement of my countrieman, Will. Westerhowse, amongt you is not only dangerous, but may proue destructive to yourselves and the other plantations in his vnderhand selling of gunnes and powder, for I haue sufficient testimonie of one of ours that bought 50 gunnes oute of his ship & being questioned, (by our court heere,) for it, confessed it, & that he sawe 8 or 9 chests more of gunnes aborde; and, as I am likewise in parte informed, sould one of] your towne (who useth to trade) some 50 more, so that by computation there was aboute some five or six hu]ndred gunnes aborde the shippurposelie for that damnable trade with the Indians ], this I am sure of, there was taken oute. of the ship, (after she was heere,) some 500 lb. ] of powder in brandwine Caske, besides his ships store, Soe much I thought good to giue yow a touch of, ] that yow may doe therein as yow in your wisdom shall thinke convenient. Gouert intends ] to Come amongst you to purge himselfe of those things objected him. Where ]as of late there are two fled from our partes the one of them by name James Turner, a squint eyde ] fellowe aboute 35 or 40 yeares of age, the other likewise a well sett fellow by name James Hallet, ] aboute the same age I shall request your asistance in apprehending them if in your partes, & that they may ] be sent heather, I shall paye all Charges, & be ready to doe the like uppon any like occasion, and rest ]

Your assured friend, ]

August the 20th, 1648. st: no:


A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.