

Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Endicott

Scanned Document:

[1]this following letter was directed

To the Right Worthy John Endecot Esquire Governor of Boston.

Honoured sir

I suppose you are not ignorant of the passages of loveing and mutuall Correspondencie between your predecessor ] (of very worthy rilemorie) and my selfe, & being desirous of the Continuation thereof with all friendlie and ] neighbourlie offices betwene your Collonie & us heere, I could doe no lesse but present my respective ] and friendlie salutations vnto you, & to Congratulate and reioyce that our neighbours there have ] Chosen soe worthy & prudent a successour, & therefore doubt not but you will imitate soe faire a patteme as that ] of your predecessour, in your indeavouring to maintaine all possible waies of loue and amitye with your neighbours ] and shall therefore tender to your wise Consideration the generall rumour that runnes heere of your Countriemens ] there to settle a Considerable Company in the sowth river Called De le war baye, a place we not ] only pretend unto, but have lawfull right unto by law ]full Commission from our States-Generall, and ] lawfull purchase from the natiues, & therefore ac ]cording to my order from them must indeauour ] and hope (if any thing should fall oute otherwise then ] they expect from me, (in case they prosecute it) they will ] not impute unto me as the beginner of any troubles heere, ] but theyre owne wilfulness, the which I thought ] good to giue you information of desiring you will please to honour me with a line or two from your selfe ] aboute it, I shall for present take my leave and rest,

Pet: Styvesant

Gravesand in New Netherlands
June the blank ]


  • Missing portions recovered from NYCD, 12:50-51.


A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.