

Letter. Director General Stuyvesant to Governor Bradford, on the same subject as the preceding

Scanned Document:

[1]Worthy Sir

[      ]

I cannot come nor be absent soe long from my gouerment our shippin their Comeing from Holland my presence will be wanting to dispatch occasions, however I shall indeauour and desire all reall Correspondencie betwixt vs and shall therefore acquaint you with a generall rumoour, that runnes heere of a Considerable Company of your Countriemen, that intends to settle at the South river, otherwise called De leware, a place we not only pretend vnto, but have lawfull right, by Commission from our States, lawfull purchase from the natiues and a continued posession and for myne owne parte in duty am bownd to maintaine their right and shall be sorrye it may be Cause of hindering neighbourlie Correspondencie and may be a beginner of more greate sad and dangerous troubles to vs all: I shall therefore entreate you to acquaint the rest of the Commissioners with it and shall rest

Pet. Styvesant


Original lost; transcription of text recovered from ibid., 12:53, which represents an excerpt of the original.


A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.