

Letter from the Burgomasters of Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant

Scanned Document:

No. 36.

Noble, Honorable, Wise, Prudent, Very Discreet Sir.

Whereas with the consent of their honors, the directors of the West India Company, we have resolved to send over some boys and girls, specified in the enclosed memorandum, in the Company's ships, thereby taking a burden from the Almshouse of this city and helping to increase the population of New Netherland; we desire hereby to request and recommend to your honor to receive these children and youths kindly and to take care that they may be employed according to their abilities for the best advantage of the Company and a proper advancement of themselves.

Herewith, Noble, Honorable, Wise, Prudent, and very discreet Lord, commending your honors to God, this 27th of May 1655.

N. Nicolai


To the Noble, Honorable Wise, Prudent, very Discreet Lord Petrus Stuyvesant, director general of New Netherland or in his absence to his deputy in New Amsterdam in New Netherland.


A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.