

Commission from Flushing

Scanned Document:

Forasmuch as it hath pleased our Honnorable Gouemor and Councell to direct their orders of excise bere wine and flesh vnto vs the inhabitants of Vlishing vpon receipt of the said orders the Towne assembled together haue deputed to agitate with your Honnors the parties here specifyed namely William Lawrence, Robert Terry, Tobias Feake with all respect to repaire vnto the Honnorable as aforesaid humbly intreateing their Honnors that they will vouchsafe to Continue vs in our present rightes and priviledges of our patient and Articles to which wee willingly submitt with due obedience according to the Tennor of the same: and that their Honnors will be pleased to Consider our vnavoydable straites wee are like to bee exposed vnto by the intrusion of the men of Hempstead on the East part of our boundes written by order from the Towne by mee

Edward Heart

From Vlishing this
23rd of Jannuary 1657.


A complete copy of this publication is available on theĀ New Netherland Institute website.