

Indian deed to the directors of the West India Company for land on Long Island

Scanned Document:

We, director and council of New Netherland etc., testify and declare, that today, date underwritten, personally appeared before us Mechowodt, chief sachem of Marossepinck, Sintsinck (also called Schouts bay) and its dependencies and declared, that voluntarily and advisedly, with the consent of Piscamoc, his cousin, Wattewochkouw, Kachpohor, Ketachkwawars, co-owners of the aforesaid land, for and in consideration of a party of merchandise, which they acknowledge to have received into their hands and power to their full satisfaction and contentment before the passing hereof, they had transferred, ceded, surrendered and conveyed as lawful, true and free possession, as they herewith transfer, cede, surrender and convey to and for the behoof of the noble lords directors of the General Chartered West India Company, Chamber of Amsterdam, all his, the grantor's, patrimonial lands and the jurisdiction thereof, located on Long Island, called in the Indian tongue Suan Hacky, reaching in length along the southside of said island from Reckouw Hacky to Sicketeuw Hacky and from said Sicketeuw Hacky in width to Martin Gerritsen's bay and thence in length westwardly along the East River to the Vlaecks Kil, with all the action, rights and privileges thereunto to him, Mechowot, or to any of his heirs belonging, constituting in his place, stead, real and actual possession of the aforesaid land and its dependencies the said lords or who hereafter may obtain their interest, to enter upon, possess in peace, occupy, cultivate and do and dispose therewith and thereof, as they would do with their own justly and lawfully acquired lands, without they, the grantors, having, reserving or retaining in the least any part of or authority over it, but all to the behoof aforesaid; under the express condition, that he, Mechowot, may be allowed, with his people and friends, to remain upon the aforesaid land, plant corn, fish, hunt and make a living there as well as they can, while he himself and his people place themselves under the protection of the said lords, who will grant to them all possible assistance and favor by their representative in this country. In testimony whereof and of the truth these presents have been signed by the witnesses, called upon to do so, who were present at the sale.

Done at Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, 15 January 1639.

Davidt Piettersen De Vries
Maurits Jansen
Cornelis van Tienhoven


Translation: Gehring, C. trans./ed., New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vols. GG, HH & II, Land Papers, 1630-1664 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1980).A complete copy of this publication is available on theĀ New Netherland Institute website.