

ACCOUNT (debit/credit) of Augustyn Beaulieu

Scanned Document:

The honorable Captain Augustijn Beaulieu is to receive that which follows below:

1656, 28 October. For the following peddler’s wares received from Josua and Mardochay Henricus for the account of the same:

7 pairs of Venetian pendants
4 dozen small French scissors
1 dozen large ditto
110 men’s and women’s thimbles
28 bunches of Venetian pearls
19 dozen knives
20 dozen and 11 Jew’s harps
3500 sewing needles
19-1/3 dozen copper bells

Remainder of the aforesaid peddler’s wares received for the account of the aforesaid Beaulieu as of the 23rd of April 1659:

2 pair of Venetian pendants
29 copper thimbles
26 bunches of Venetian pearls
17 knives
8 dozen Jew’s harps
1600 sewing needles

Those peddler’s wares sold since receipt until the 23rd of April 1659:

Sold 5 pair at 3 gl. a piece  f 15,—,— 
Sold 4 dozen at 24 st. a piece  f 57,12,— 
Sold 1 dozen large ditto at 30 st  f 18,—,— 
Sold 81 items at 4½ st. a piece  f 18, 4, 8 
Sold 2 bunches at 15 gl. a bunch  f 30,—,— 
Sold 211 knives at 6 st. a piece  f 63, 6,— 
Sold 12 dozen an 11 at 8 st. a dozen  f 31,—,— 
Sold 1900 at 12 gl. a dozen  f 22,16,— 
Sold 19-1/3 dozen at 8 st. a dozen  f 46, 8,— 
Total  f 302 6, 8[1]  

The Honorable Captain Augustijn Beaulieu


1655, 30 December. As by memorandum:

56  pieces of canvas at 20 st. an ell  f 56,— 
42  pieces of linen at 36 st. an ell  f 75,12, 
f 131,12 

For materials:

80  single medium nails  f 4:—,— 
100  double ditto  f :12,— 
34  long planks at 34 st. a piece  f 51:—,— 
15  short ditto at 20 st. a piece  f 15:—,— 
150  hoops at 3 st. a piece  f 22:10,— 
thick planks for gun platforms  f 20:—,— 
beam  f 10:—,— 
clapboards  f 1:12,— 
long hawser, 150 lb. at 6 st. a lb.  f 45:—,— 
30  cans of tar  f 3:—,— 
anchor fished out at Bonayra, 600 lb. at 3 st. a lb.  f 90:—,— 
f 262:14,— 
For a sum ] to Nicolaes Blanche as per bond enjoyed by Jaques Alin  f 120:—,— 
1659, 23 April. The balance on this account is  f 343:—,8 
Total  f 857:6,8 

M. Beck


1655, 30 December. By a large loop, fully equipped, together with anchor and rope which he left here on the shore  f 300:—,— 
1656, 4 March. By the following goats received at the Company's corral by Josua and Mardochay Henricus for his account: 
95 head, large, at 8 rl. a head  f 228 
18 head, small, at 30 st. a head  f 27 
f 255  f 255: 
1659, 23 April. By what is specified according to the accompanying account of peddlers' wares sold  f 302:6,8 
Total  f 857:6,8 


The above peddler’s wares appear in the original in three columns opposite one another across two pages.


Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., Curaçao Papers, 1640-1665 (New Netherland Research Center and the New Netherland Institute: 2011).A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.