

ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh, skipper of De Nieuw Nederlantse Indiaen, with a draft on Petrus Stuyvesant for payment of balance to the aforesaid skipper

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Praise God in the year of our Lord 1661 at Curaçao in Fort Amsterdam.

Dirck Janseji van Oldenborgh, skipper on the ship Den N. Neederlandtsen Indiaen, debit:

14 July  To money paid to him in hard currency  ƒ 75:3,8 
ditto  To the honorable lords Petrus Stuyvesant, director-general, and council in Nieuw Neederlandt for the balance hereof  ƒ 200:-,- 
Total  ƒ 275:3,8 

Praise God in the year of our Lord 1661 at Curaçao in Fort Amsterdam. Against credit

14 July  By the following which he received for the account of the Company: 
21 pieces of wooden water conduits, together in length 739 feet at 6½ st. per foot  ƒ 240:3,[      ]  
25 pieces of pine planks at 4 st. a piece  ƒ 30:-,[      ]  
200 pieces of hoopsticks at 2½ per 100 wt  ƒ 5:-,[      ]  
Total  ƒ 275:3,[      ]  

The honorable lords Petrus Stuyvesant director-general, and councillors in Nieuw Neederlandt be pleased to pay to Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh, skipper on the ship Den Nieuw Neederlandtsen Indiaen, the sum of two hundred Carolus guilders which is due to him by balance of the above account, which is also cleared hereby on the Company’s books.

Curaçao in Fort Amsterdam, 21 July 1661.

After closing the above account, the aforesaid Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh is still owed the following, which must be balanced against what is owed him in the aforesaid account:

9 skipples of barley at 4 gl. per skipple  ƒ 36:-,- 
1 copper kettle of 16 lbs. at 12 st. per lb.  ƒ 9:12,- 
Total  ƒ 45:12,- 


Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., Curaçao Papers, 1640-1665 (New Netherland Research Center and the New Netherland Institute: 2011).A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.