
New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Administrative Records

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Overview of the Records


New York State Archives
New York State Education Department
Cultural Education Center
Albany, NY 12230

This series contains patents issued under the administration of Dutch Governor Anthony Colve, and a few private deeds from the same period. In one notable document, Governor Colve granted the Lutheran congregation in Albany free exercise of their religion (September 26, 1673).
Dutch colonial administrative records

1.5 cubic feet

1 microfilm roll 35 mm

Inclusive Dates:
Series Number:


Chronological by date.

Scope and Content Note

This series contains patents issued under the administration of Dutch Governor Anthony Colve, and a few private deeds from the same period. In one notable document, Governor Colve granted the Lutheran congregation in Albany free exercise of their religion (September 26, 1673).

Alternate Formats Available

Microfilm is available at the New York State Archives.

Vol. 23: pp. 1-270 only [Aug. 1673 - July 1674] translated and published in: Edmund B. O'Callaghan, ed. Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, vol. 2 (Albany: Weed, Parsons and Co., 1858), pp. 569-730.

Vol. 23: pp. 277-433 only [1673-1674; English-language documents only] published in: Hugh Hastings, ed. Third Annual Report of the State Historian of the State of New York, 1897. Transmitted to the Legislature March, 1898 (Assembly Document no. 68), Appendix L (pp. 157-215) (Albany: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., 1898).

New York State Archives Digital Collections

Dutch colonial administrative records, 1673-1674

Related Material

Series A1894, Council papers, contains additional volumes of the "Colonial Manuscripts."

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Item list: E.B. O'Callaghan's Calendar of Historical Manuscripts in the Office of the Secretary of State (1866), 2:28-31.

Custodial History

Religious Freedom for Lutherans (document). This item was removed from the series (Colonial Manuscripts, Volume 23, p. 86-87) as part of the Freedom Train exhibit that traveled the state from January 1949 to February 1950 (L. 1948, Ch. 659). During 2000/2001 the item was reintegrated with the rest of the series.

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There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the material.

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Detailed Description

Dates Contents Box Volume Item

Accretion: A1881-78
August 12 1673 Order allowing Elizabethtown, Newark, Woodbridge and Piscattaway, New Jersey to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch

Order allowing Elizabethtown, Newark, Woodbridge and Piscattaway, New Jersey, to send delegates to the Dutch commanders, to surrender their towns.

17 23 1
August 12 1673 Order to the village of Bergen to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch

Order to the village of Bergen, &c., to send delegates also.

17 23 2
August 12 1673 Order to the villages of Middletowne and Shrewsbury to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch

Order to the villages of Middletowne and Shrewsbury, to send delegates also.

17 23 3
August 12 1673 Release of the authorities of the city of New Orange from their oath to the English government

Release of the authorities of the city of New Orange (late New York) from their oath to the English government.

17 23 4
August 13 1673 Summons to the English towns on Long Island and Westchester to send delegates to New Orange

Summons to the English towns on Long island, and to Westchester, to send delegates to New Orange.

17 23 5
August 13 1673 Minute of the submission of the Dutch towns on Long Island and of Staten Island

Minute of the submission of the Dutch towns on Long Island, and of the people of Staten Island.

17 23 6a
August 13 1673 Orders to the burghers of New Orange to send delegates to confer with the Dutch commanders

Orders to the burghers of New Orange, to send delegates to confer with the Dutch commanders.

17 23 6b
August 14 1673 Commission of Messrs. Steenwyck and five others to be delegates

Commission. Messrs. Steenwyck and five others, to be delegates, and to confer accordingly.

17 23 7a
August 15 1673 Order for the nomination of burgomasters and schepens for the city of New Orange

Order for the nomination of burgomasters and schepens, for the city of New Orange.

17 23 7b
August 16 1673 Nomination of burgomasters and schepens

Nomination of burgomasters and schepens.

17 23 8
1673 Oath of office of the municipal authorities

Oath of office of the municipal authorities.

17 23 9
August 17 1673 Proclamation altering the form of government of the city of New Orange

Proclamation altering the form of government of the city of New Orange.

17 23 10
August 18 1673 Privileges granted to the several towns in New Jersey

Privileges granted to the several towns in New Jersey.

17 23 12
August 18 1673 Appointment of magistrates for Brooklyn and adjoining towns

Appointment of magistrates for Brooklyn and adjoining towns on the west end of Long Island.

17 23 14
August 18 1673 Proclamation seizing all property belonging to the English or French within the province of New Netherland

Proclamation seizing all property belonging to the English or French within the province of New Netherland, and particularly that of Thomas de Laval.

17 23 15
August 18 1673 Appointment of magistrates for Bergen, N. J.

Appointment of magistrates for Bergen, N. J.

17 23 18
August 19 1673 Order to the inhabitants of Elizabethtown and five neighboring towns to nominate magistrates

Order to the inhabitants of Elizabethtown and five neighboring towns in New Jersey to nominate magistrates.

17 23 19
August 21 1673 Minute of the qualifying of the magistrates of several towns

Minute of the qualifying of the magistrates of divers towns; submission of East and Westchester, with extent of the jurisdiction of their courts.

17 23 20
August 23 1673 Petition presented by delegates of Oysterbay, with order granting the same

Petition presented by delegates of Oysterbay, with order granting the same.

17 23 24
August 24 1673 Appointment of magistrates for Elizabethtown, Woodbridge, Shrewsbury and Newark (N. J.) and Mamaroneck

Appointment of magistrates for Elizabethtown, Woodbridge, Shrewsbury and Newark (N. J.) and Mamaroneck.

17 23 25
August 24 1673 Oath of office of magistrates

Oath of office.

17 23 26
August 14 1673 Petition of delegates from the five English towns on Long Island

Petition. Delegates from the five English towns on Long Island, east of Oysterbay, with the privileges they demand and their submission.

17 23 27
1673 Answer of the Dutch authorities to the petition of delegates from the five English towns on Long Island

Answer of the Dutch authorities to the above petition.

17 23 28
August 7 1673 Letter from the governor and general assembly of Connecticut to the Dutch authorities at New Orange

Letter. Governor and general assembly of the colony of Connecticut to the Dutch authorities at New Orange, inquiring what are their further intentions.

17 23 30
August 25 1673 Reply from the commander and council of war to the governor and general assembly of Connecticut

Letter. Commander and council of war in answer to the above.

17 23 31
August 25 1673 Order to the towns on the east end of Long Island to nominate magistrates; appointment of magistrates for Staten Island

Order to the towns on the east end of Long Island to nominate magistrates; appointment of magistrates for Staten Island.

17 23 32
August 26 1673 Minute of the submission of the proprietors of Shelter and Gardiner's Islands

Minute of the submission of the proprietors of Shelter and Gardiner's Islands.

17 23 33
August 26 1673 Appointment of magistrates for Piscattaway (N. J.)

Appointment of magistrates for Piscattaway (N. J.).

17 23 34
August 28 1673 Order for the settlement of the late gov. Lovelace's accounts

Order for the settlement of the late gov. Lovelace's accounts.

17 23 35
August 28 1673 Grant of Shelter Island to Nathaniel Silvester

Grant of Shelter Island to Nathaniel Silvester.

17 23 36
August 29 1673 Oath of allegiance and order to administer the oath to the inhabitants of Long Island

Order for the administration of the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the Dutch and English towns on the west end of Long Island, with form of the oath.

17 23 40
August 29 1673 Patent to Nathaniel Silvester for Shelter Island

Patent to Nathaniel Silvester for Shelter Island.

17 23 41
August 30 1673 Appointment of magistrates for East and Westchester

Appointment of magistrates for East and Westchester.

17 23 44
August 31 1673 Appointment of magistrates for Flushing and adjoining English towns on Long Island

Appointment of magistrates for Flushing and adjoining English towns on Long Island.

17 23 45
September 1 1673 Order on a petition from Esopus for the government of that district

Order on a petition from Esopus for the government of that district.

17 23 46
September 1 1673 Petition for privileges from Fort Orange (Albany)

Petition for privileges from Fort Orange (Albany).

17 23 47
September 1 1673 Commission for schout and secretary of Achter Col

Commission. Schout and secretary of Achter Col.

17 23 50
September 1 1673 Census of Brooklyn and other towns on the west end of Long Island

Census of Brooklyn and other towns on the west end of Long Island.

17 23 51
September 2 1673 Order to Jeremias van Rensselaer to render an account of his administration of Renselaerwyck

Order on a petition of Johanna de Laet, directing Jeremias van Rensselaer to render an account of his administration of the colonie of Renselaerwyck.

17 23 52
September 4 1673 Order continuing to the colonie of Renselaerwyck privileges for one year

Order continuing to the colonie of Renselaerwyck, its ancient privileges for one year.

17 23 53
September 4 1673 Appointment of militia officers for the town of Bergen

Appointment of militia officers for the town of Bergen.

17 23 54
September 6 1673 Order for administering the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the towns in Achter Col (New Jersey)

Order for administering the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the towns in Achter Col (New Jersey).

17 23 55a
September 6 1673 Petition of the schout, burgomasters and schepens of New Orange

Petition. Schout, burgomasters and schepens, of New Orange, praying that two ships of war may remain during the winter for the protection of the country.

17 23 55b
September 6 1673 Answer granting petition of the schout, burgomasters and schepens of New Orange

Answer granting said request.

17 23 58
September 8 1673 Appointment of magistrates for the towns on the east end of Long Island

Appointment of magistrates for the towns on the east end of Long Island.

17 23 59
September 8 1673 Letter from the commander to the people at the east end of Long Island

Letter. Commander, &c., to the people at the east end of Long Island, consenting to certain modifications of the oath of fidelity, with the oath as amended.

17 23 60
September 8 1673 Confiscation of a ship lying sunk in Westchester creek

Confiscation of a ketch lying sunk in Westchester creek.

17 23 61
September 9 1673 Orders respecting New Jersey and Harlem

Orders respecting New Jersey and Harlem.

17 23 62
September 11 1673 Order for the departure of ex-governor Lovelace

Order for the departure of ex-governor Lovelace.

17 23 63a
September 11 1673 Proclamation against the sojourn of strangers within the city of New Orange

Proclamation against the sojourn of strangers, within the city of New Orange.

17 23 63b
September 12 1673 Privileges granted to the inhabitants of the South river (Delaware)

Privileges granted to the inhabitants of the South river (Delaware); jurisdiction of the several courts there.

17 23 65
September 12 1673 Hue and cry for the arrest of Daniel Lane

Hue and cry for the arrest of Daniel Lane, who broke jail.

17 23 67
September 13 1673 Renewal of the peace with the Hackensack Indians

Renewal of the peace with the Hackensack Indians.

17 23 68a
September 13 1673 Fine imposed on John Singletary of New Jersey

Fine imposed on John Singletary of New Jersey.

17 23 68b
September 13 1673 Fine imposed upon Robert van Quelen

Fine imposed upon Robert van Quelen.

17 23 69a
September 14 1673 Census of the several towns at Achter Col

Census of the several towns at Achter Col.

17 23 69b
September 14 1673 Names of the militia officers of said towns

Names of the militia officers of said towns.

17 23 70
September 18 1673 Minute of the departure of Mohawk chiefs from New Orange

Minute of the departure of Mohawk chiefs from New Orange.

17 23 71
September 18 1673 Appointment of magistrates for Schanegtade

Appointment of magistrates for Schanegtade.

17 23 72a
August 12 1673 Commission of Anthony Colve to be governor of New Netherland

Commission. Anthony Colve to be governor of New Netherland.

17 23 72b
August 12 1673 Commission of Cornelis Steenwyck to be member of the council

Commission. Cornelis Steenwyck, to be member of the council.

17 23 73
August 12 1673 Oath of office taken by councillor Steenwyck

Oath of office taken by councillor Steenwyck.

17 23 74
August 12 1673 Commission of Cornelis Ewoutse to be master gunner

Commission. Cornelis Ewoutse, to be master gunner, &c.

17 23 75a
September 20 1673 Proclamation confiscating all property in New Netherland belonging to the kings of France and England or their subjects

Proclamation confiscating all property in New Netherland, belonging to the kings of France and England, or their subjects.

17 23 75b
September 10 1673 Bond of commander Benckes pledging his superiors to pay all expenses incurred by the Surinam and Zeehondt

Bond of commander Benckes, pledging his superiors to pay all expenses incurred by the Surinam and Zeehondt.

17 23 76
August 20 1673 Commission of Nicholas Bayard to be secretary of the province

Commission. Nicholas Bayard, to be secretary of the province.

17 23 77
September 20 1673 Commission of Nicholas Bayard to be receiver-general

Commission. Nicholas Bayard, to be receiver-general.

17 23 78
September 20 1673 Order fixing Nicholas Bayard's salary

Order fixing Nicholas Bayard's salary.

17 23 79
September 19 1673 Commission of Peter Alrigs to be schout and commandant at the South river

Commission. Peter Alrigs, to be schout and commandant at the South river.

17 23 81
September 19 1673 Oath of office taken by Peter Alrigs

Oath of office taken by said Alrigs.

17 23 82
September 25 1673 Order to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the South river

Order to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the South river.

17 23 83a
September 25 1673 Commission of Walter Wharton to be land surveyor at the South river

Commission. Walter Wharton, to be land surveyor at the South river.

17 23 83b
September 26 1673 Oath of office taken by Walton Wharton

Oath of office taken by Mr. Wharton.

17 23 84
September 25 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to the magistrates of Hempstead

Letter. Gov. Colve to the magistrates of Hempstead, censuring them for not arresting a stranger who had endeavored to create disaffection.

17 23 85a
September 25 1673 Order for delinquents at Hempstead to take the oath of allegiance

Order for delinquents at Hempstead, to take the oath of allegiance.

17 23 85b
September 26 1673 Grant of the free exercise of their religious worship to the Lutherans at Willemstadt (Albany)

Grant of the free exercise of their religious worship, to the Lutherans at Willemstadt (Albany).

17 23 87
September 26 1673 Instructions for Andries Draeyer, commandant and schout at Willemstadt (Albany)

Instructions for Andries Draeyer, commandant and schout at Willemstadt (Albany).

17 23 88
September 27 1673 Order to Martin Cregier to furnish supplies to commander Draeyer

Order to Martin Cregier, to furnish supplies to commander Draeyer.

17 23 89a
September 27 1673 Instructions for the schout and commandant of the South river

Instructions for the schout and commandant of the South river.

17 23 89b
September 29 1673 Permit to Lewis Morris; order to the magistrates at Nevesings; order for a new election at Shrewsbury

Permit to Lewis Morris to come into New Netherland; order to the magistrates at Nevesings, to send intelligence of approaching vessels; order for a new election of magistrates at Shrewsbury.

17 23 91a
October 1 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to the towns on Long Island east of Oysterbay

Letter. Gov. Colve to the towns on Long Island, east of Oysterbay, with instructions for their government.

17 23 91b
October 1 1673 Commission of Captain Knyff to administer the oath of allegiance to the towns on the east end of Long Island

Commission. Captain Knyff and others, to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the towns on the east end of Long Island.

17 23 92
October 1 1673 Instructions for the schout and magistrates of Brooklyn and adjoining towns on the west end of Long Island

Instructions for the schout and magistrates of Brooklyn, and adjoining towns on the west end of Long island.

17 23 93
October 1 1673 Minute that instructions for the schout and magistrates have been sent to Long Island, the South river, Esopus, and New Jersey

Minute, that like instructions have been sent to the other towns on Long island; to the South river; Esopus, and the towns in New Jersey.

17 23 96a
October 1 1673 Order to sell major Kingsland's plantation and stock at Achter Col

Order to sell major Kingsland's plantation and stock at Achter Col.

17 23 96b
October 1 1673 Orders for Jan Sol, major of the garrison at fort William Henrick

Orders for Jan Sol, major of the garrison at fort William Henrick.

17 23 97
October 4 1673 Orders extracted from the articles of war

Orders extracted from the articles of war.

17 23 99
October 4 1673 Instructions for the commissary

Instructions for the commissary.

17 23 102
October 4 1673 Complaint by the inhabitants of Fordham against John Archer

Complaint by the inhabitants of Fordham against John Archer and his surrender of the government of that town.

17 23 103
October 4 1673 Order to the inhabitants of Fordham to send a nomination for magistrates

Order to the inhabitants of Fordham to send a nomination for magistrates.

17 23 104
October 6 1673 Appointment of magistrates and militia officers for Swaenenburgh (Kingston), Marbletown and Hurley

Appointment of magistrates and militia officers for Swaenenburgh (Kingston), Marbletown and Hurley, with an order that a nomination for schout be made and sent to the governor.

17 23 105
October 6 1673 Appointment of magistrates for Willemstadt and Renselaerswyck

Appointment of magistrates for Willemstadt and Renselaerswyck.

17 23 107
October 7 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to Hempstead

Letter. Gov. Colve to Hempstead, excusing those inhabitants who have not taken the oath of allegiance, and giving further orders for that purpose.

17 23 108
October 7 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to William Lawrence and Charles Bridges

Letter. Gov. Colve to William Lawrence and Charles Bridges, directing them to publish the order confiscating all the property of all subjects of the King of England; also, to arrest all seditious persons.

17 23 109
October 7 1673 Oath of office of William LaMontagne; order of Peter Bilyou to report the arrival of vessels inside of Sandy hook

Oath of office of William LaMontagne, secretary to the court at the Esopus; order of Peter Bilyou, schout of Staten island, to report the arrival of vessels inside of Sandy hook.

17 23 111a
October 8 1673 Minute of the attendance of the burgomasters of New Orange on the gov. council

Minute of the attendance of the burgomasters of New Orange on the gov. council; houses, &c., under the walls of the fort to be demolished.

17 23 111b
October 9 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to the magistrates of Swaenenburgh

Letter. Gov. Colve to the magistrates of Swaenenburgh, directing the sale of horses belonging to English subjects.

17 23 112
October 10 1673 Minute of arrangements for removal of houses near the fort

Minute of arrangements entered into with the proprietors of houses near the fort, for the removal thereof.

17 23 113
October 11 1673 Appointment of assessors to value houses ordered to be pulled down near the fort

Appointment of assessors to value the above houses ordered to be pulled down.

17 23 115
October 11 1673 Order allowing Lewis Morris to have the guardianship of his deceased brother's orphan child

Order allowing Lewis Morris to have the guardianship of his deceased brother's orphan child.

17 23 116
October 12 1673 Order on a petition from Oysterbay explaining and confirming their privileges

Order on a petition from Oysterbay, explaining and confirming their privileges.

17 23 117a
October 14 1673 Banishment of Thomas Hunt out of the province

Banishment of Thomas Hunt, of Westchester, out of the province.

17 23 117b
October 14 1673 Order to schout Jacob Strycker to call on constables to account for and pay public taxes

Order to schout Jacob Strycker to call on the several constables within his district to account for, and pay in the balance of the public taxes.

17 23 118a
October 14 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to schout Ogden

Letter. Gov. Colve to schout Ogden on Indian matters; seizure of the property belonging to capt. Carterett, late gov. of New Jersey, &c.

17 23 118b
October 16 1673 Proclamation ordering the demolition of houses adjoining fort Willem Hendrick

Proclamation ordering the demolition of houses, &c., adjoining fort Willem Hendrick, and imposing a duty on certain goods to pay an indemnity to the proprietors of said property.

17 23 119
October 16 1673 Valuation of the houses near the fort ordered to be demolished and of the lots given in stead

Valuation of the houses, &c., ordered to be demolished, and of the lots given in stead.

17 23 122
October 17 1673 Order granting Lewis Morris the plantation of his deceased brother Richard

Order granting Lewis Morris the plantation of his deceased brother Richard, for the benefit of the latter's orphan child.

17 23 124
October 18 1673 Appointment of clerk and magistrates for Fordham

Appointment of clerk and magistrates for Fordham.

17 23 125a
October 19 1673 Permit to Walter Webly to remain with the government

Permit to Walter Webly to remain within this government on taking the oath of allegiance.

17 23 125b
October 19 1673 Report of capt. Knyff and the other commissioners sent to administer the oath of allegiance

Report of capt. Knyff and the other commissioners sent to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the towns on Long island, east of Oysterbay.

17 23 125c
October 1 1673 Answer of the town of Southampton, refusing to swear allegiance to the Dutch government

Answer of the town of Southampton, refusing to swear allegiance to the Dutch government.

17 23 126
September 29 1673 Reasons why the major part of the town of Southold refuse to come under the Dutch

Reasons why the major part of the town of Southold refuse to come under the Dutch.

17 23 127a
October 2 1673 Letter from the court of Easthampton to the Dutch commissioners

Letter. Court of Easthampton to the Dutch commissioners, requesting to be left to be regulated by their former laws and the resident magistrates.

17 23 127b
October 3 1673 Letter from the recorder and constable complaining of those of Southampton

Letter. Recorder and constable complaining of those of Southampton for having opened their letter to the Dutch commissioners.

17 23 128
October 4 1673 Letter from the town of Seatalcott to the commissioners

Letter. Town of Seatalcott to the commissioners, excusing themselves for not complying with their request; with resolution of the town.

17 23 129
October 6 1673 Letter from the magistrates to gov. Colve

Letter. Magistrates to gov. Colve, praying to be excused from taking the oath of allegiance for one year, and to be allowed to remain neutral; yet submitting to the Dutch government, and asking for the appointment of additional magistrates.

17 23 130
October 20 1673 Resolution of the governor and council on the petition of the magistrates

Resolution of the governor and council on the above report.

17 23 132a
October 20 1673 Minute of the appearance before the council of magistrates of towns on Long Island

Minute of the appearance of the magistrates of the towns on the west end of Long island, before the council; loyalty of the people there to the government.

17 23 132b
October 23 1673 Council minute of approval of some ordinances of the town of Bergen; orders on petitions for lands; Harlem; Esopus

Council minute. Approval of some ordinances of the town of Bergen; orders on petitions for lands; Harlem; Esopus.

17 23 133
October 25 1673 Appointment of Isaac Grevenraet to be schout at Esopus, arrests for sedition, confiscation of furs belonging to Thomas Willett

Appointment of Isaac Grevenraet, to be schout at Esopus; arrests for sedition; confiscation of furs belonging to Thomas Willett.

17 23 135
October 25 1673 Resolution to send a second embassy to the towns on the east end of Long Island

Resolution to send a second embassy to the towns on the east end of Long island.

17 23 137a
October 25 1673 Commission of Capt. Knyff and ensign Vos to administer the oath of allegiance to the eastern towns on Long Island

Commission. Capt. Knyff and ensign Vos, to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the eastern towns on Long Island.

17 23 137b
October 25 1673 Appointment of militia officers for the towns of Midwout, Amesfoort, Breuckelen, Utrecht, Bushwyck and Gravesend

Appointment of militia officers for the towns of Midwout, Amesfoort, Breuckelen, Utrecht, Bushwyck and Gravesend.

17 23 138a
October 25 1673 Orders on a petition for the better government of the Esopus

Orders on a petition for the better government of the Esopus.

17 23 138b
October 27 1673 Council minutes of mitigation of the seizure of Mr. Willet's beavers and appointment of curators of the late Nicolas Davis's estate

Council minutes. Mitigation of the seizure of Mr. Willet's beavers; appointment of curators of the late Nicolas Davis' estate.

17 23 139
October 27 1673 Appointment of commissioners to take charge of the estate of capt. John Manning

Appointment of commissioners to take charge of the estate of capt. John Manning, and to pay debts due by him.

17 23 140
October 28 1673 Report of the submission of Huntington and Seatalcott and of the appointment of magistrates there

Report of the submission of Huntington and Seatalcott, and of the appointment of magistrates there.

17 23 141a
October 30 1673 Commission of Cornelis Steenwyck, Charles Epestyn and Charles Quirynsen to administer the oath of allegiance

Commission. Councillor Cornelis Steenwyck, capt. Charles Epestyn, and lieut. Charles Quirynsen, to visit the towns of Easthampton, Southold and Southampton, and administer the oath of allegiance.

17 23 141b
October 30 1673 Instructions for Councillor Cornelis Steenwyck, capt. Charles Epestyn, and lieut. Charles Quirynsen

Instructions for said commissioners.

17 23 142
October 30 1673 Commission of Isaac Grevenraet to be schout at Esopus

Commission. Isaac Grevenraet, to be schout at Esopus.

17 23 144
October 30 1673 Oath to be administered to the magistrates and militia officers at Esopus

Oath to be administered to the magistrates and militia officers at Esopus.

17 23 145
November 1 1673 Appointment of Balthazar Bayard to be commissioner on the part of the government

Appointment. Balthazar Bayard, to be commissioner on the part of the government, to regulate in conjunction with the guardians of Richard Morris' son, said Morris' estate, sell personal property and pay debts.

17 23 146a
November 2 1673 Commission of Olof Stevese van Cortlandt, Gelyn Verplancke and Gabriel Minvielle to settle the estate of the late gov. Lovelace

Commission. Olof Stevese van Cortlandt, Gelyn Verplancke and Gabriel Minvielle, to settle the estate of the late gov. Lovelace.

17 23 146b
November 2 1673 Appointment of Lodewyck Cobbes to be notary public at Willemstadt

Appointment of Lodewyck Cobbes, to be notary public at Willemstadt.

17 23 147a
October 21 1673 Letter from the general court of Connecticut to governor Colve

Letter. General court of Connecticut to governor Colve, remonstrating against his proceedings on the east end of Long Island, and threatening to deal with his headquarters.

17 23 147b
November 5 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to gov. Winthrop

Letter. Gov. Colve to gov. Winthrop; cannot believe that such an impertinent and absurd letter came from the gov. and general court; incloses copy and awaits his answer.

17 23 148
November 5 1673 Permit to Madame Corlear to trade with the Indians at Schenectady and order respecting a negro claimed by Mrs. Teller

Permit to Madame Corlear, to trade with the Indians at Schenectady; order respecting a negro claimed by Mrs. Teller.

17 23 149
November 8 1673 Instructions for the schout and magistrates of Willemstadt and Renselaerswyck

Instructions for the schout and magistrates of Willemstadt and Renselaerswyck.

17 23 150
November 8 1673 Report of the commissioners sent to the east end of Long Island

Report of the commissioners sent to the east end of Long Island (with) journal of their voyage and proceedings.

17 23 152
November 15 1673 Proclamation for a day of Humiliation and Thanksgiving

Proclamation for a day of Humiliation and Thanksgiving.

17 23 156
November 15 1673 Translation of proclamation for a day of Humiliation and Thanksgiving into English

The same in English.

17 23 158
November 16 1673 Order to capt. Ewoutsen to proceed to Nantucket and endeavor to save a small Dutch craft there

Order to capt. Ewoutsen to proceed to Nantucket and endeavor to save a small Dutch craft there.

17 23 159
November 16 1673 Warrant to Mr. John Hoit not to allow any person to travel through Eastchester to or from New England without a pass

Warrant to Mr. John Hoit, magistrate of Eastchester, not to suffer any person to travel through said town to or from New England, without a pass from those in authority.

17 23 160a
November 16 1673 Council minutes

Council minutes. Order in the case of the widow Lattine of Hempstead; the authorities at Willemstadt to put a stop to all correspondence with the Jesuits and Frenchmen from Canada; arrears of taxes in the towns on the west end of Long Island; appointment of a magistrate for New Utrecht; order to seize capt. Carr's estate on the Delaware.

17 23 160b
November 16 1673 Council minutes

Council minutes. Order in the case of the widow Lattine of Hempstead; the authorities at Willemstadt to put a stop to all correspondence with the Jesuits and Frenchmen from Canada; arrears of taxes in the towns on the west end of Long island; appointment of a magistrate for New Utrechtl order to seize capt. Carr's estate on the Delaware.

17 23 161a
October 31 1673 Letter from gov. Winthrop to gov. Colve

Letter. Gov. Winthrop to gov. Colve; avows the genuineness of the letter of the gen. court of the 21st inst., which he commends to his consideration.

17 23 161b
November 18 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to gov. Winthrop

Letter. Gov. Colve to gov. Winthrop and the gen. court of Connecticut, vindicating his course at the east end of Long Island, and censuring those of Connecticut for their interference there, &c.

17 23 162
November 21 1673 Order to the magistrates of Seatalcot to seize the estate of Daniel Lane

Order to the magistrates of Seatalcot to seize the estate of Daniel Lane, accused of incest.

17 23 163
November 21 1673 Order defining the jurisdiction of the magistrates of Huntington and Seatalcot

Order defining the jurisdiction of the magistrates of Huntington and Seatalcot.

17 23 164
November 23 1673 Council minutes

Council minutes. Permission to Thomas Hunt, Jr., to reside within the province on taking the oath of allegiance; order to commander Draeyer to break off all correspondence with the Jesuit from Canada; report of capt. Ewoutsen that the Dutch vessel at Nantucket has been taken to Boston; reprisals.

17 23 165
November 26 1673 Examination of the captains of the New England ships brought in by captain Ewoutsen

Examination of the captains of the New England ketches brought in by captain Ewoutsen.

17 23 166
November 26 1673 Resolution to detain New England ships and cargoes brought in by captain Ewoutsen

Resolution to detain said vessels and cargoes.

17 23 168a
November 27 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to gov. Levereth

Leter. Gov. Colve to gov. Levereth, informing him that he has released the captains and crews of the above vessels and sent them to Rhode Island free of expense.

17 23 168b
November 28 1673 Appointment of magistrates for the Whorekill

Appointment of magistrates for the Whorekill.

17 23 168c
November 30 1673 Order on a petition of Lewis Morris permitting him to bring to New Orange property belonging to Richard Morris's child

Order on a petition of Lewis Morris, permitting him to bring to New Orange property belonging to Richard Morris's child.

17 23 169
November 30 1673 Order confiscating the four New England ships brought in by capt. Ewoutsen

Order confiscating the four New England ketches lately brought in by capt. Ewoutsen.

17 23 170
December 5 1673 Order referring a dispute between Jan Jansen Veryn and the town of New Utrecht to commissioners

Order referring to commissioners a difference between Jan Jansen Veryn and the town of New Utrecht.

17 23 171
December 8 1673 Sentence pronounced on Francis Beado

Sentence pronounce on Francis Beado, for threatening to burn the village of Fordham, &c., to be branded and banished.

17 23 172
December 12 1673 Proclamation ordering all strangers to depart the province and forbidding all correspondence with New England

Proclamation ordering all strangers to depart the province, and interdicting all correspondence with N. England.

17 23 173
November 25 1673 Letter from the gov. and council of Massachusetts to gov. Colve

Letter. Gov. and council of Massachusetts to gov. Colve, demanding release of the ketches captured by capt. Ewoutsen.

17 23 175a
December 13 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to the gov. and council of Massachusetts

Letter. Gov. Colve to the gov., &c., of Massachusetts, in answer to the above; justifies his proceedings.

17 23 175b
December 14 1673 Order to the magistrates of Seatalcot to allow the wife of Daniel Lane half of his estate

Order to the magistrates of Seatalcot to allow the wife of Daniel Lane half of his estate for her support.

17 23 176
December 15 1673 Commission of William Knyff to be fiscal of New Netherland

Commission. William Knyff to be fiscal of New Netherland.

17 23 177
December 19 1673 Various orders in view of a threatened attack from New England

Divers orders in view of a threatened attack on the province from New England.

17 23 178
December 19 1673 Names of the militia officers of New Orange and their oath

Names of the militia officers of New Orange and their oath.

17 23 179
December 21 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to William Lawrence

Letter. Gov. Colve to schout William Lawrence, of Flushing, enjoining on him and the people of his district to be true and faithful to their allegiance.

17 23 180b
December 21 1673 Orders to administer oath of allegiance to Staten Island and admitting Allard Anthony to be notary public and attorney

Orders to administer oath of allegiance to the people of Staten island; admitting Allard Anthony to be notary public and attorney in all the courts.

17 23 181a
December 22 1673 Order forbidding the export of provisions and other articles

Order forbidding the export of provisions and other articles.

17 23 181b
December 22 1673 Commission of Cornelis Steenwyck to be captain, N. Bayard lieutenant, and Gabriel Minviele ensign of the burgher corps of New Orange

Commission. Cornelis Steenwyck to be captain, N. Bayard lieutenant, and Gabriel Minviele ensign, of the burgher corps of New Orange.

17 23 182
December 22 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to the schout and magistrates of Bergen

Letter. Gov. Colve to the schout, magistrates, &c., of Bergen, encouraging them in their allegiance.

17 23 183
December 24 1673 Council minute that all persons are bound to contribute to the support of the precentor and schoolmaster

Council minute. All persons, no matter what their religious persuasion, are bound to contribute to the support of the precentor and schoolmaster.

17 23 184
December 26 1673 Order furloughing one-third of each of the militia companies that came to New Orange

Order furloughing one-third of each of the militia companies that came to New Orange.

17 23 185
December 27 1673 Letter from gov. Colve to the schout and magistrates of Harlem and Fordham

Letter. Gov. Colve to the schout, magistrates, &c., of Harlem and Fordham, enjoining them to be faithful to their allegiance.

17 23 186
December 27 1673 Order for the preservation and security of New Orange

Order for the preservation and security of New Orange.

17 23 187
January 1 1674 Commission of Jacobus van de Water to be town major of New Orange

Commission. Jacobus van de Water to be town major of New Orange.

17 23 188a
January 1 1674 Commission of Francis de Bruyn to be auctioneer for the five Dutch towns on Long Island

Commission. Francis de Bruyn to be auctioneer for the five Dutch towns on Long Island.

17 23 188b
January 1 1674 Letter from gov. Colve to the magistrates of Schenectady

Letter. Gov. Colve to the magistrates of Schenectady, censuring them for want of respect to the court of Willemstadt, &c.

17 23 189a
January 1 1674 Commission of Martin Cregier, jr. to settle the estate of Thomas de Laval at Willemstadt

Commission. Martin Cregier, jr., to settle the estate of Thomas de Laval at Willemstadt.

17 23 189b
January 2 1674 Order to schout Ogden to send some pieces of ordnance to New Orange

Order to schout Ogden to send some pieces of ordnance to New Orange.

17 23 190a
January 3 1674 Instructions for the officers of militia at the Esopus

Instructions for the officers of militia at the Esopus.

17 23 190b
January 10 1674 Commission of Martin Vonck to be captain of the Hope

Commission. Martin Vonck to be captain of the Hope.

17 23 191a
January 10 1674 Instructions for captain Vonck

Instructions for captain Vonck.

17 23 191b
January 11 1674 Oath of office of Allard Anthony as notary public and attorney

Oath of office of Allard Anthony as notary public and attorney.

17 23 192
January 12 1674 Instructions for town major Van de Water

Instructions for town major Van de Water.

17 23 193
January 14 1674 Proclamation sent to the South river on an invasion of those parts from Maryland

Proclamation sent to the South river on an invasion of those parts from Maryland.

17 23 194
January 15 1674 Instructions for the schout, burgomasters and schepens of the city of New Orange

Instructions for the schout, burgomasters and schepens of the city of New Orange.

17 23 195
January 16 1674 Proceedings of gov. Colve towards the burgomasters of New Orange

Proceedings of gov. Colve towards the burgomasters of New Orange, on their declining to allow schout Knyff to preside in their court.

17 23 198
January 16 1674 Submission of the burgomasters of New Orange to gov. Colve

Submission of said burgomasters.

17 23 199
January 17 1674 Order in the suit of Richard Smith vs. the town of Huntington

Order in the suit of Richard Smith vs. the town of Huntington.

17 23 200a
January 22 1674 Appointment of commissioners to investigate charges against the sheriff of Staten Island

Appointment of commissioners to investigate charges against the sheriff of Staten island.

17 23 200b
January 22 1674 Minute of the appearance of certain Indian sachems of New Jersey before the council

Minute of the appearance of certain Indian sachems of New Jersey before the council.

17 23 201a
January 25 1674 Order for the punishment of a refractory seaman

Order for the punishment of a refractory seaman.

17 23 201b
January 24 1674 Order prohibiting the sale of strong liquors to soldiers and sailors in the public service

Order prohibiting the sale of strong liquors to soldiers and sailors in the public service.

17 23 202a
January 30 1674 Order on a petition of the schout of Achter Col for the ratification of certain ordinances

Order on a petition of the schout of Achter Col for the ratification of certain ordinances, &c.

17 23 202b
February 1 1674 Court minutes in the case of the fiscal vs. Van Deventer for insulting his superior officer

Court minutes. Order in the case of the fiscal agst. Van Deventer, for insulting his superior officer.

17 23 203
February 1 1674 Court minutes

Further court minutes.

17 23 204
February 1 1674 Order referring the case of Richard Smith vs. the town of Huntington to arbitrators

Order referring the case of Richard Smith agst. the town of Huntington to arbitrators.

17 23 206a
February 1 1674 Commission of assessors to make a return of all estates in New Orange over 1,000 guilders

Commission. Assessors to make a return of all estates in New Orange over 1,000 guilders.

17 23 206b
February 6 1674 Order for the nomination of additional magistrates for Staten Island

Order for the nomination of additional magistrates for Staten Island.

17 23 207
February 10 1674 Warrant for the arrest of Ralph Doxy and Mary Lintsch

Warrant for the arrest of Ralph Doxy and Mary Lintsch, of Newtown (L. I.), who are living together without being married.

17 23 208a
February 14 1674 Appointment of Gideon Marlet and Nathan Whiteman to be additional magistrates for Staten Island

Appointment of Gideon Marlet and Nathan Whiteman to be additional magistrates for Staten Island.

17 23 208b
February 14 1674 Writ of appeal from a judgment of the court of New Orange in the case of the fiscal vs. Van Deventer

Writ of appeal from a judgment of the court of New Orange in the case of the fiscal agst. Van Deventer.

17 23 208c
February 15 1674 Court minutes

Court minutes.

17 23 210
February 15 1674 Order on an application of Robert Coo for license to marry Jane, widow of Edward Rause

Order on an application of Robert Coo, of Rustdorp (Jamaica), L. I., for license to marry Jane, widow of Edward Rause; certainty of said Rause's death to be established.

17 23 211a
February 17 1674 Order making further provision for a correct assessment of the real estate in New Orange

Order making further provision for a correct assessment of the real estate in New Orange.

17 23 211b
February 20 1674 Ordinance for the exclusive use of Amsterdam weights and measures

Ordinance. For the exclusive use of Amsterdam weights and measures.

17 23 212
February 22 1674 Court minutes

Court minutes. Order in the matter of the estate of the late Isaac Bedloo.

17 23 213
February 22 1674 Order authorizing Nicholas Bayard, vendue master, to sue for his fees

Order authorizing Nicholas Bayard, vendue master, to sue for his fees.

17 23 215a
February 23 1674 Order postponing the case of Smith vs. the town of Huntington until May

Order postponing the case of Smith agst. the town of Huntington, until May.

17 23 215b
February 23 1674 Order continuing the case of the fiscal vs. Doxy

Order continuing the case of the fiscal agst. Doxy.

17 23 216a
February 28 1674 Commission of Dirck van Clyff, Walter Webly and Balthazar Bayard to settle the estate of the late Richard Morris

Commission. Dirck van Clyff, Walter Webly and Balthazar Bayard, to settle the estate of the late Richard Morris.

17 23 216b
February 28 1674 Pass for the ship Welvaert to sail to Surinam

Pass for the ketch Welvaert, to sail to Surinam.

17 23 216c
March 1 1674 Court minutes

Court minutes. Judgment against Van Deventer for affronting his superior officer, fined 25 beaver skins; judgment against Ralph Doxy, his marriage pronounced void, as it was solemnized by Jacobus Fabricius, who had no power to act, ordered to be remarried; judgment against Fabricius, for having married the above parties; suspended for 12 months from the exercise of his clerical functions; said Fabricius further fined for having committed an assult on one Maretie Jurians.

17 23 217
March 2 1674 Order further extending the time fixed for the departure of Thomas Lovelace from the province

Order further extending the time fixed for the departure of Thomas Lovelace from the province.

17 23 220
March 8 1674 Orders regarding Bartholomew Applegadt & Co., Paul Regrenie, Roger Townsen and the town of Westchester, and the sailing of ships to the Esopus

Orders allowing Bartholomew Applegadt & Co., to purchase lands at Middletown (N. J.) from the Indians; granting Paul Regrenie 50 morgens of land on Staten Island; commanding Roger Townsen and the town of Westchester, to appear before the appointed arbitrators; regulating the sailing of sloops to the Esopus.

17 23 221
March 13 1674 Order to the militia of the Dutch towns adjoining New Orange to appear armed at the city on the first notice

Order to the militia of the Dutch towns adjoining New Orange, to appear armed at that city on the first notice.

17 23 223b
March 16 1674 Order forbidding citizens of New Orange to pass the night out of that city without leave

Order forbidding citizens of New Orange to pass the night out of that city without leave.

17 23 224
March 17 1674 Order for a forced loan to defray the expenses incurred for the repair of the fort at New Orange

Order for a forced loan to defray the expenses incurred for the repair of the fort at New Orange.

17 23 225
February 19 1674 Return of estates in New Orange exceeding 1,000 guilders in value

Return of estates in New Orange, exceeding in value the sum of 1,000 guilders.

17 23 228
March 22 1674 Order to the Dutch towns to send delegates to New Orange to confer with the governor

Order to the Dutch towns to send delegates to New Orange, to confer with the governor.

17 23 229
March 24 1674 Appointment of Francis Bloodgood to be chief officer of the Dutch inhabitants of Flushing, Heemstede, Rustdorp and Middleburgh

Appointment of Francis Bloodgood, to be chief officer of the Dutch inhabitants of Flushing, Heemstede, Rustdorp and Middleburgh, &c.

17 23 230a
March 24 1674 Commission of Jacobus van de Water to be receiver of moneys advanced for completing the fortification of New Orange

Commission. Jacobus van de Water, to be receiver of moneys advanced for completing the fortification of New Orange.

17 23 230b
March 26 1674 Minute of the meeting of the delegates from the several Dutch towns, with their names

Minute of the meeting of the delegates from the several Dutch towns, with their names.

17 23 231
March 26 1674 Order to provide boats to convey the out people to New Orange on the approach of the enemy

Order to provide boats to convey the out people to New Orange, on the approach of the enemy.

17 23 232a
March 27 1674 Order respecting vessels in port

Order respecting vessels in port.

17 23 232b
April 5 1674 Court minutes

Court minutes. Francis Rombouts and Gelyn Verplanck, fined for holding correspondence with New Englanders; Peter Poulsen sentenced for assaulting people in the public street.

17 23 232c
April 12 1674 Order of divorce granted to Catherine Lane if her husband does not appear in 6 months

Order. Divorce granted to Catherine Lane, if her husband do not appear in 6 months.

17 23 234
April 16 1674 Ordinance against hogs, horses and cows running at large in New Orange

Ordinance. Against the running at large of hogs, horses and cows in New Orange.

17 23 235
April 18 1674 Sentence of Samuel Forman for disturbing public worship in the church at New Orange

Sentence of Samuel Forman of Oysterbay, for disturbing public worship in the church at New Orange; to be publicly whipped and then banished.

17 23 236
April 18 1674 Order refusing Jacobus Fabricius, a Lutheran minister, permission to baptize

Order refusing Jacobus Fabricius, a Lutheran minister, permission to baptize.

17 23 237a
April 18 1674 Ordinance against shooting or catching hogs in the woods on Manhattan Island without a permit

Ordinance. Against shooting or catching hogs in the woods on Manhattan Island, without a permit.

17 23 237b
April 18 1674 Caveat against granting Thomas Lovelace certain land near Staten Island

Caveat against granting Thomas Lovelace certain land near Staten Island.

17 23 238a
April 18 1674 Caveat against granting certain lands in New Jersey to Batholomew Applegate & Co.

Caveat against granting certain lands (in New Jersey), to Batholomew Applegate & Co.

17 23 238b
April 18 1674 Order approving an ordinance of the town of Middletown against people leaving without notice

Order approving an ordinance of the town of Middletown (N. J.), against people quitting that place without notice.

17 23 238c
April 18 1674 Minute of the hearing of a claim lodged by some Indians to Secaucus

Minute of the hearing of a claim lodged by some Indians to Secaucus (N. J.).

17 23 238d
April 23 1674 Order to pay for materials furnished for the repairs of Fort Willem Hendrick

Order to pay for materials furnished for the repairs of Fort Willem Hendrick.

17 23 239
April 23 1674 Points submitted by the magistrates of Willemstadt and order thereupon

Points submitted by the magistrates of Willemstadt, and order thereupon.

17 23 240
May 7 1674 Order to attach the estate and effects of John Archer to answer a demand of Thomas Gibbs and John Curtis

Order to attach the estate and effects of John Archer, to answer a demand of Thomas Gibbs and John Curtis.

17 23 241a
May 10 1674 Order protecting Thomas Labertse from any claims against him in his capacity as late constable of Brooklyn

Order protecting Thomas Labertse, late constable of Brooklyn, from any claims against him in such capacity.

17 23 241b
May 12 1674 Sentence of Isaac Melyn to hard labor at the fort for uttering seditious language

Sentence of Isaac Melyn to hard labor at the fort, for uttering seditious language.

17 23 242a
May 12 1674 Sentence of banishment against John Sharp for fomenting mutiny

Sentence of banishment against John Sharp, for fomenting mutiny.

17 23 242b
May 12 1674 Order confiscating all property in New Netherland belonging to inhabitants of New England, Virginia, and Maryland

Order confiscating all property in New Netherland, belonging to inhabitants of New England, Virginia, and Maryland.

17 23 243a
May 12 1674 Mortgage of sundry pieces of cannon for the re-payment of money borrowed by the government

Mortgage of sundry pieces of cannon for the re-payment of money borrowed by the government.

17 23 243b
May 12 1674 Letter from gov. Colve to Johan Doncker

Letter. Gov. Colve to Johan Doncker, governor of Curaçao; rumors of peace.

17 23 245a
May 12 1674 Letter from N. Bayard to lieut. Drayer

Letter. N. Bayard to lieut. Drayer; peace concluded between Holland and England.

17 23 245b
May 18 1674 Order to pay moneys for repairs of the fortifications

Order to pay moneys for repairs of the fortifications.

17 23 246a
May 19 1674 Order referring complaints of Richard Smith and Jeremy Wood to the local tribunals

Order referring complaints of Richard Smith and Jeremy Wood, to the local tribunals.

17 23 246b
May 22 1674 Propositions of the Mohawk Indians to gov. Colve and his answer

Propositions of the Mohawk Indians to gov. Colve, and his answer.

17 23 247
May 24 1674 Orders on various petitions from Aghter Col (New Jersey)

Orders on various petitions from Aghter Col (New Jersey).

17 23 248
May 26 1674 Minute of the capture of sundry New England vessels

Minute of the capture of sundry New England vessels.

17 23 250a
May 26 1674 Order confiscating captured New England vessels

Order confiscating said vessels.

17 23 250b
May 26 1674 Judgment in a suit for possession of the public bouwery at Ahsymus (N. J.)

Judgment in a suit for possession of the public bouwery, at Ahsymus (N. J.).

17 23 251a
May 26 1674 Order to survey lots in New Orange for various persons

Order to survey lots in New Orange, for divers persons.

17 23 251b
June 5 1674 Minute of the return and attendance of the Mohawk chiefs at the council; order to forward them home

Minute of the return and attendance of the Mohawk chiefs at the council; order to forward them home.

17 23 252a
June 5 1674 Various orders on petitions of private persons; peace between Holland and England proclaimed in New England

Divers orders on petitions of private persons; peace between Holland and England proclaimed in New England.

17 23 252b
June 12 1674 Order to levy payment from all persons refusing to pay their share of the forced loan

Order to levy by execution the 100th penny off all persons refusing to pay their share of the forced loan.

17 23 256a
June 15 1674 Order to settle the accounts of the late gov. Lovelace

Order to settle the accounts of the late gov. Lovelace.

17 23 256b
June 15 1674 Order to regulate the accounts of Cornelis van Ruyven

Order to regulate the accounts of Cornelis van Ruyven, who is about to return to Holland.

17 23 257
June 15 1674 Court minutes

Court minutes. Prosecution for smuggling, &c.

17 23 258
June 15 1674 Order for the payment of the salaries due to rev. Johannes Megapolensis and rev. Samuel Megapolensis

Order for the payment of the salaries due the late rev. Johannes Megapolensis, deceased, and to rev. Samuel Megapolensis.

17 23 259
June 15 1674 Order on a difference between the towns of Woodbrige and Piscattaway (N. J.)

Order on a difference between the towns of Woodbrige and Piscattaway (N. J.).

17 23 260
June 17 1674 Commission of John Lawrence, Richard Betts and James Hubbard to settle certain differences between Woodbridge and Piscattaway

Commission. John Lawrence, Richard Betts and James Hubbard, to be commissioners to settle certain differences between the above towns.

17 23 261
June 21 1674 Court minutes

Court minutes. Writs of appeal issued.

17 23 262
June 21 1674 Order for payment by the W. I. Company of debts due individual creditors in New Netherland

Order for payment by the W. I. Company, of debts due individual creditors in New Netherland.

17 23 263
June 28 1674 Order releasing property in New Netherland belonging to inhabitants of New England, Virginia and Maryland from confiscation

Order releasing from confiscation, property in New Netherland belonging to inhabitants of New England, Virginia and Maryland.

17 23 264
July 4 1674 Order for the restoration of three captured New England vessels to their owners

Order for the restoration to their owners, pursuant to the articles of the peace, of three New England vessels lately captured.

17 23 265
July 5 1674 Court minutes

Court minutes.

17 23 266
July 7 1674 Orders on various matters relating to New Jersey; order to the magistrates of Heemstede to investigate certain charges against the marshall

Orders on sundry matters relating to New Jersey; order to the magistrates of Heemstede, to investigate certain charges against the marshall of that town.

17 23 267
July 7 1674 Order on a petition of Abigail Messinger, wife of Richard Darlin, for divorce

Order on a petition of Abigail Messinger, wife of Richard Darlin, for divorce; consideration postponed 6 months.

17 23 269a
July 7 1674 Order confirming to the consistory of the Dutch Reformed religion the church standing in Fort William Hendrick, New Orange

Order confirming to the consistory, &c., of the Dutch Reformed religion, the church standing in Fort William Hendrick, New Orange.

17 23 269b
June 26 1674 Order to Messrs. Steenwyck, Bayard and Van de Water to receive the account books of the W. I. Company

Order to Messrs. Steenwyck, Bayard and Van de Water, to receive the account books of the W. I. Company.

17 23 270
1674 Part of the rough draft of the journal of the commissioners' visit to the east end of Long Island

Part of the rough draft of the journal of the commissioners' visit to the east end of Long Island (supra, p. 152).

17 23 271
1674 Accounts against Peter Stoutenburgh and others

Accounts against Peter Stoutenburgh and others.

17 23 272
1673 Muster roll of capt. Steenwyck's company

Muster roll. Capt. Steenwyck's company.

17 23 273
1673 Names of persons residing between the Fresh water and Harlem and of negroes

Names of persons residing between the Fresh water and Harlem, and of negroes.

27 23 275
August 28 1673 Names of persons who took the oath of allegiance at Harlem

Names of persons who took the oath of allegiance at Harlem.

27 23 276
September 28 1673 Commission of William Knyfe and lt. Krynsen to administer the oath of allegiance to the people of Westchester and Eastchester on the Mayne

Commission. William Knyfe and lt. Krynsen to administer the oath of allegiance to the people of Westchester and Eastchester on the Mayne.

27 23 277a
September 28 1673 Names of the male inhabitants of West and Eastchester

Names of the male inhabitants of West and Eastchester.

27 23 277b
September 28 1673 Declaration of allegiance signed by Quakers living at Westchester

Declaration of allegiance signed by Quakers living at Westchester.

27 23 277c
September 1673 Names of persons who have taken the oath at Elizabethtown, Shrewsbury, Middletown, Piscattaway, Newworke, Woodbridge and Fordham

Names of persons who have taken the oath at Elizabethtown, Shrewsbury, Middletown, Piscattaway, Newworke, Woodbridge and Fordham (or Yonkers).

27 23 277d
September 1673 Oath of allegiance subscribed at Oysterbay, with names of the signers

Oath of allegiance subscribed at Oysterbay, with names of the signers.

27 23 277e
October 14 1673 Letter from John Winthrop to Mr. Bryan

Letter. John Winthrop to Mr. Bryan, requesting a credit for Mrs. Mathias Nicolls to the amount of £40.

27 23 278
October 16 1673 Order to Peter Harmsen to remove his house from the vicinity of the fort (New Orange)

Order to Peter Harmsen to remove his house from the vicinity of the fort (New Orange).

27 23 279
October 16 1673 Order to Peter de Riemer to remove his house from the vicinity of the fort in New Orange

Similar order to Peter de Riemer.

27 23 280
October 22 1673 Commission of Samuel Willis and John Winthrop to prevent the Dutch forces using hostility towards the people on the east end of Long Island

Commission. Samuel Willis and John Winthrop to repair to the east end of Long Island, and prevent the Dutch forces using any hostility towards the people there.

27 23 281
November 1 1673 Petition of Gabriel Tomassen of Willemstadt for permission to go to Boston for goods there belonging to him

Petition. Gabriel Tomassen of Willemstadt, for permission to go to Boston for goods there belonging to him.

27 23 283
1673 Caveat entered by the people of Westchester against granting a piece of land there to Roger Townsend

Caveat entered by the people of Westchester against granting a piece of land there to Roger Townsend.

27 23 284
1673 Petition of Capt. John Berry for revision of a judgment pronounced against him by the court of Bergen

Petition. Capt. John Berry, praying a revision of a judgment pronounced against him by the court of Bergen.

27 23 285
November 11 1673 Minute of court of Bergen in the suit against John Berry for taking away some hogs belonging to capt. Sandford

Minute of court of Bergen in the suit against John Berry, defendant, for taking away some hogs belonging to capt. Sandford; judgment 250 guilders and costs, with duplicate of the preceeding petition.

27 23 286
November 11 1673 Petition of Peter Stoutenburgh and others for payment of the indemnity for the removal of their houses near the fort

Petition. Peter Stoutenburgh and others, for payment of the indemnity to which they are entitled for the removal of their houses adjoining the fort.

27 23 287
November 16 1673 Letter from secretary Bayard to Isaac Greveraet

Letter. Secretary Bayard to Isaac Greveraet, sheriff of Esopus; sends him four negroes, with directions to sell them for wheat, peas or beaver.

27 23 288
1673 Certificate of surgeon Roelof Kierstede as to the cause of death of Hendrick the wampum stringer

Certificate of surgeon Roelof Kierstede as to the cause of death of Hendrick, the wampum stringer.

27 23 289
November 28 1673 Depositions of William Smith, George Tibbet and James Pinnet proving the threats uttered by Francis Beado

Depositions of William Smith, George Tibbet and James Pinnet, of Fordham, proving the threats uttered by Francis Beado, to burn, kill, and destroy the Dutch (see supra, p. 172).

27 23 290
November 30 1673 Deposition of William Osborn of Hempstead as to the proceedings and conversations of Francis Beado

Deposition of William Osborn of Hempstead, as to the proceedings and conversations of Beado.

27 23 291
December 26 1673 Complaint of ensign Voz against sergt. Coenraet Janse, with the trial and sentence of the latter

Complaint of ensign Voz against serg't Coenraet Janse, with the trial and sentence of the latter.

27 23 293
December 24 1673 Reference of a case to schout William Laurence and Richard Cornwel for examination

Reference of a case to schout William Laurence and Richard Cornwel, for examination, &c.

27 23 294
1673 Some leaves of an account book with prices of various articles

Some leaves of an account book with prices of various articles.

27 23 295
January 4 1674 Minutes of court at Willemstadt (Albany), in a suit brought by Hendrick Roosenboom, city grave digger

Minutes of court at Willemstadt (Albany), in a suit brought by Hendrick Roosenboom, city grave digger, to recover his fees from a man who had employed the grave digger of the Lutheran church, who is styled an interloper; judgment for plaintiff, 18 guilders.

27 23 296
January 2 1674 List of creditors of the fortifications of New Orange

List of creditors of the fortifications of New Orange.

27 23 297
January 17 1674 Typewritten translation of report of Jacob Leisler and Dirck van der Clyff of amounts due workmen at the fort

Report of Jacob Leisler and Dirck van der Clyff, of amounts due workmen at the fort; that New Utrecht and Brooklyn only have paid their contributions. [Typewritten translation inserted in place of missing original.]

27 23 298
January 25 1674 Petition of John Ogden for confirmation of certain ordinances enacted by the court of Achter Col

Petition. John Ogden, praying confirmation of certain ordinances enacted by the court of Achter Col.

27 23 299
February 1 1674 Complaint of the fiscal against capt. Fleet and Walter Webly

Complaint of the fiscal against capt. Fleet and Walter Webly.

27 23 300
February 1 1674 Complaint of the fiscal against Asser Levy

Same. Against Asser Levy.

27 23 301
February 1 1674 Complaint of the fiscal against Jacob Leunen

Same. Against Jacob Leunen.

27 23 302
February 9 1674 Condemnation of the ship Dolphin, captured by commanders Evertze and Benckes in the bay of Virginia

Condemnation of the sloop Dolphin, captured by commanders Evertze and Benckes in the bay of Virginia.

27 23 303
February 9 1674 Petition of the schout and magistrates of Flushing

Petition. Schout and magistrates of Flushing.

27 23 304a
February 10 1674 Trial and sentence of two soldiers for fighting

Trial and sentence of two soldiers for fighting; one to run the gauntlet naked during the pleasure of the court martial; the other to set on the wooden horse with a 24lb. weight to each leg, whilst the former is running the gauntlet.

27 23 305
February 10 1674 Trial of Ambrose Caesar, a soldier

Trial of Ambrose Cæsar, a soldier, accused of disobeying his sergeant; sentence to run the gauntlet naked, and then to be re-admitted to the company with the colors overhead.

27 23 306
February 14 1674 Order to the marshal to summon Dirck Jansen van Deventer before the gov. and council to answer a complaint of the fiscal

Order to the marshal to summon Dirck Jansen van Deventer before the gov. and council to answer a complaint of the fiscal.

27 23 307
February 19 1674 Petition of Anna Vermont for mitigation of the sentence of banishment pronounced against her husband

Petition. Anna Vermont, for mitigation of the sentence of banishment pronounced against her husband.

27 23 308
February 19 1674 Certificate signed by sundry citizens of New Orange in favor of Anna Vermont

Certificate signed by sundry citizens of New Orange, in favor apparently of the above person.

27 23 309
February 22 1674 Complaint of the fiscal against Laurens van der Spigel

Complaint of the fiscal against Laurens van der Spigel.

27 23 310
February 24 1674 Petition of Jacobus Fabricius, minister, for forgiveness for having married a couple illegally

Petition. Jacobus Fabricius, minister, praying forgiveness for having married a couple illegally; pleads ignorance of the law.

27 23 311
February 27 1674 Mortgage by Samuel Edsall to Jacob Kipp and Peter Stoutenburgh of Constable's hook (N. J.)

Mortgage by Samuel Edsall to Jacob Kipp and Peter Stoutenburgh, of Constable's hook (N. J.).

27 23 312
February 21 1674 Petition of the precentor and grave digger of Willemstadt (Albany) to be maintained in the rights of his office

Petition. Precentor and grave digger of Willemstadt (Albany), to be maintained in the rights of his office.

27 23 313
February 23 1674 Affidavit of David Govertsen in regard to the violent conduct of rev. Mr. Fabricius towards Maritie Juriaens

Affidavit of David Govertsen in regard to the violent conduct of rev. Mr. Fabricius towards Maritie Juriaens in her own house.

27 23 314
March 1 1674 Petition of George Cooke for permission to go to Road Island

Petition. George Cooke, for permission to go to Road Island.

27 23 316
March 8 1674 Petition of Bartholomew Appelgate and others for leave to purchase a tract of land from the Indians

Petition. Bartholomew Appelgate and others for leave to purchase from the Indians a tract of land two Dutch miles this side of the village of Middletown (N. J.), for the settlement of six or eight families there.

27 23 317
March 12 1674 Petition of Elizabeth de Potter to be admitted as a preferred creditor of the late gov. Lovelace

Petition. Elizabeth de Potter, widow of Isaac Bedloo, to be admitted as a preferred creditor of the late gov. Lovelace, &c.

27 23 318
March 14 1674 Evidence that Jan Spigelaer sold rum on the public fast and prayer day

Evidence that Jan Spigelaer sold rum on the public fast and prayer day.

27 23 319
March 15 1674 Papers in the suit against Jan Spigelaer

Papers in the suit against said Spigelaer.

27 23 320
March 16 1674 Letter from Matthias Nicolls to gov. Winthrop

Letter. Matthias Nicolls to gov. Winthrop; rumors that some ships are designed to reduce New York; recommends that the United Colonies anticipate the expectations from Europe, in which there would be great honor.

27 23 325
March 23 1674 Mortgage of John Catlin, attorney for Edward Ball, John Baltwin and Nathaniel Wheeler, to Pieter Jacobse Marius, of a portion of their land at Achter Col

Mortgage. John Catlin, attorney for Edward Ball, John Baltwin and Nathaniel Wheeler, of Newworke (N. J.), to Pieter Jacobse Marius, of a portion of their land at Achter Col, being part of Kingslant's plantation.

27 23 326
April 5 1674 Complaint against Francis Rombouts for holding correspondence with the enemy

Complaint against Francis Rombouts for holding correspondence with the enemy.

27 23 328
April 12 1674 Petition of Richard Smythe requesting redress in a suit against Jeremy Wood

Petition. Richard Smythe, praying redress in a suit against Jeremy Wood.

27 23 329
April 12 1674 Petition of Catherine Lane for a divorce

Petition. Catherine Lane for a divorce.

27 23 330
April 25 1674 Minute of an order of the court held at Jamaica that Susanna Hallet's husband shall pay her certain moneys

Minute of an order of the court held at Jamaica, that Susanna Hallet's husband shall pay her certain moneys.

27 23 331a
April 16 1674 Fragment of an affidavit concerning Samuel Forman

Fragment of an affidavit setting forth that Samuel Forman, of Oysterbay, came to the city, where he lodged at the house of Anthony Jansen from Salee, and, by inspiration of Christ Jesus, intended to repair to the church during divine service, and exclaim, "O cry wath shall I cry, all flesh is grass, grass is the flower of the field, the flower fails and the grass withers, but the word of God obeids forever," &c.

27 23 331b
April 30 1674 Affidavit of Francis Charetier alias La Foreest that he had settled with schout De Milt for a fine imposed on him for tapping

Affidavit of Francis Charetier alias La Foreest, that he had settled with schout De Milt for a fine imposed on him for tapping.

27 23 332
May 3 1674 Petition of Balthazar Bayard to be appointed commissary of exports and imports

Petition. Balthazar Bayard to be appointed commissary of exports and imports.

27 23 333
May 9 1674 Letter from Nathaniel Denton to secretary Bayard

Letter. Nathaniel Denton to secretary Bayard, respecting the maintenance of the minister, to which Humphrey Underhill and William Crede refuse to contribute.

27 23 335
May 9 1674 Declaration of Jonas Wood as to a conversation he had with gov. Lovelace

Declaration of Jonas Wood as to a conversation he had with gov. Lovelace last June respecting an order in a suit brought by Richard Smith, which the gov. denied had been authorized.

27 23 337
May 12 1674 Complaint against John Sharpe for coming to New Orange and spreading reports of peace and the restoration of the city

Complaint against John Sharpe for coming to New Orange and spreading reports of peace and the restoration of the city, &c.

27 23 338
May 12 1674 Complaint against Isaac Melyn for coming to New Orange and spreading reports of peace and the restoration of the city

Complaint against Isaac Melyn for the same.

27 23 340
May 19 1674 Petition of Richard Smith for redress against a judgment of the court at Jamaica, L. I.

Petition. Richard Smith for redress against a judgment of the court at Jamaica, L. I.

27 23 341
May 24 1674 Answer of respondents in an appeal of John Gilman and Daniel Denton vs. John Pike, Samuel Moor and Jonathan Dunham, attorneys for the town of Woodbridge

Answer of respondents in an appeal of John Gilman and [Daniel] Denton of Piscattaway agst. John Pike, Samuel Moor and Jonathan Dunham, att'ys for the town of Woodbridge.

27 23 343
May 28 1674 Petition of Richard Pateshall for liberty to send to Boston for a vessel and goods to trade here

Petition. Richard Pateshall, for liberty to send to Boston for a vessel and goods to trade here.

27 23 344
June 2 1674 Petition of Richard Pateshall requesting certain favors in regard to his vessel

Petition. Richard Pateshall requesting certain favors in regard to his vessel.

27 23 345
June 2 1674 Mortgage of Jacques Corteljou to Cornelis van Ruyven of his bouwery at New Utrecht

Mortgage. Jacques Corteljou to Cornelis van Ruyven, of his bouwery, &c. at New Utrecht.

27 23 346
June 5 1674 Petition of Anthony Jenkins, for permission to bring from Boston to New Orange certain Barbadoes goods

Petition. Anthony Jenkins, for permission to bring from Boston to N. Orange certain Barbadoes goods, such as rum, molasses, sugar and cotton.

27 23 347
June 5 1674 Petition of Charles Hill for permission to bring his vessel to New Orange with a cargo of wine, brandy and rum

Petition. Charles Hill of [New London], for permission to bring his vessel to New Orange with a cargo of wine, brandy and rum.

27 23 348
June 5 1674 Complaint of the fiscal against Anthony de Milt for trespass

Complaint of the fiscal against Anthony de Milt for trespass.

27 23 349
June 5 1674 Complaint of the fiscal against Francis Chartier, for aiding some Frenchmen to desert their masters

Complaint of the fiscal against Francis Chartier, for aiding some Frenchmen to desert their masters.

27 23 350
June 7 1674 Declaration of Marritgie Symens regarding the trespass committed by schout De Milt

Declaration of Marritgie Symens, wife of Jacob Barentsen, regarding the trespass committed by schout De Milt.

27 23 351
June 7 1674 Declaration of Metjie Wessels as to the trespass committed by schout De Milt

Declaration of Metjie Wessels as to the same affair.

27 23 352
June 7 1674 Inventory of papers delivered in the case of Jacob Varrevanger vs. Cornelis Steenwyck

Inventory of papers, &c., delivered in the case of Jacob Varrevanger agst. Cornelis Steenwyck.

27 23 353
June 11 1674 Commission of Gulayne ver Planke, Stephanus van Cortlant, Dirck van Clyff and Peter de la Noy to examine and settle the estate of the late gov. Lovelace

Commission. Gulayne ver Planke, Stephanus van Cortlant, Dirck van Clyff and Peter de la Noy, to examine and settle the estate of the late gov. Lovelace.

27 23 354
June 13 1674 Further complaint of the fiscal against Francis Charretier

Further complaint of the fiscal agst. Francis Charretier.

27 23 355a
June 15 1674 Complaint against George Demis for smuggling rum into Long Island

Complaint against George Demis, for smuggling rum, &c., into Long Island.

27 23 355b
June 16 1674 Petition of Richard Smith complaining of Joseph Smith and requesting redress

Petition. Richard Smith, complaining of Joseph Smith, and praying redress.

27 23 356
June 22 1674 Minute of the court of Marbletown, referring Jan Joosten's application to the governor

Minute of the court of Marbletown, referring to the governor Jan Joosten's application for permission to reside on his land.

27 23 357
June 23 1674 Decision of the court at Elizabethtown in the case of the town of Piscattaway vs. the town of Woodbridge

Decision of the court at Elizabethtown, in the case of the town of Piscattaway agst. the town of Woodbridge.

27 23 358
June 26 1674 Petition of Richard Pateshall for permission to send his vessel to Boston with freight

Petition. Richard Pateshall, for permission to send his vessel to Boston with freight.

27 23 360
June 29 1674 Petition of Nework, Elizabethtown and Piscattaway for a confirmation of their rights and possessions

Petition. Nework, Elizabethtown and Piscattaway, for a confirmation of their rights and possessions.

27 23 361
June 29 1674 Grant to James, duke of York, of the province of New York and territories

Grant to James, duke of York, of the province of New York and territories, thereon depending.

27 23 362
July 5 1674 Petition of the town of Oysterbay for a certain tract of land adjoining that place

Petition. Town of Oysterbay for a certain tract of land adjoining that place.

27 23 363
July 7 1674 Petition of inhabitants of the town of Bergen protesting against certain agreement of their delegates

Petition. Inhabitants of the town of Bergen protesting against certain agreement of their delegates, in regard to some disputed meadow land, and praying that the same be annulled.

27 23 364
July 14 1674 Commission of Pieter Jacobsen Marius and Asser Levy to settle the claims against John Manning

Commission. Pieter Jacobsen Marius and Asser Levy, to settle the claims against John Manning.

27 23 366a
October 17 1674 Commission of Cornelis Steenwyck, Johannes van Brugh, Johannes de Peyster and Egidius Luyck to value certain lots

Commission. Cornelis Steenwyck, Johannes van Brugh, Johannes de Peyster and Egidius Luyck, to value certain lots along the North river, and without the walls of New Orange.

27 23 366b
July 18 1674 Judgment of a court held at Elizabethtown in a case between the town of Piscattaway and the town of Woodbridge

Judgment of a court held at Elizabethtown, in Aghter Cull, in a case between the town of Piscattaway and the town of Woodbridge.

27 23 367
July 24 1674 Declaration of Alexander Stultheer respecting a passageway between Mr. Steenwyck and Mr. Varrevanger's houses

Declaration of Alexander Stultheer, respecting a passage way between Mr. Steenwyck and Mr. Varrevanger's houses.

27 23 368
July 25 1674 Objections of the inhabitants of Gommoenepan against a decision of arbitrators

Objections of the inhabitants of Gommoenepan, &c., against a decision of arbitrators, in respect to a piece of meadow in dispute between them and the town of Bergen.

27 23 369
August 10 1674 Report of referees as to the value of the ground allotted to Peter Stoutenburgh

Report of referees as to the value of the ground allotted to Peter Stoutenburgh, in exchange for what he lost near the fortifications of New Orange.

27 23 370
August 11 1674 Nomination of burgomasters and schepens for New Orange for the ensuing year

Nomination of burgomasters and schepens for New Orange, for the ensuing year.

27 23 371
August 11 1674 Complaint of Richard Smith against Joseph Smith

Complaint of Richard Smith agst. Joseph Smith.

27 23 372
August 14 1674 Nomination of magistrates for Hurley and Marbletown

Nomination of magistrates for Hurley and Marbletown.

27 23 373
August 14 1674 Nomination of magistrates for Swaenenburgh

Nomination of magistrates for Swaenenburgh.

27 23 374
August 17 1674 Mortgage of John Man to John Shakerly of his plantation, house, and barn at Jamaica, L. I.

Mortgage. John Man to John Shakerly, of his plantation, house, barn, &c., at Jamaica, L. I.

27 23 375
August 1674 Declaration of the governor and council of New Plymouth accepting the proposal of gov. Colve

Declaration of the governor and council of New Plymouth, accepting the proposal of Gov. Colve, mutually to release all vessels and property belonging to either colony, then under arrest.

27 23 376
August 1674 Petition of James Grover, John Bowne and associates for confirmation of their patent for the lands in New Jersey

Petition. James Grover, John Bowne and associates, for confirmation of their patent for the lands lying between Sandyhook and the Raritan kil, New Jersey.

27 23 377
August 20 1674 Protest of the town of Huntington against the claim of Richard Smith

Protest of the town of Huntington against the claim of Richard Smith.

27 23 378
August 1674 Petition of Richard Smith

Petition. Richard Smith for the confirmation of a decision of the commissioners appointed to determine his claim against the town of Huntington.

27 23 379
September 1674 Complaint of the fiscal against —————— for having corresponded with the enemy

Complaint of the fiscal against —————— for having corresponded with the enemy.

27 23 380
September 1674 Complaint of the fiscal against Thomas Wandel

Complaint of the fiscal against Thomas Wandel for having given entertainment to persons who had been banished the province.

27 23 381
September 6 1674 Richard Smith requesting a termination of his suit against the town of Huntington

Richard Smith, praying a termination of his suit against the town of Huntington.

27 23 382
September 1674 Petition of the town of Huntington for justice and protection against Richard Smith

Petition. Town of Huntington, praying for justice and protection against Richard Smith.

27 23 383
September 6 1674 Petition of Richard Smith that execution be issued against the town of Huntington

Petition. Richard Smith, praying that execution issue against the town of Huntington, agreeably to the judgment pronounced by the governor and council.

27 23 385
September 27 1674 Protest of town of Huntington against the judgment of the governor and council

Protest. Town of Huntington against the above judgment.

27 23 386
September 1674 Petition of Richard Smith for a disposition of a bill of costs he has furnished in the above case

Petition. Richard Smith, praying a disposition of a bill of costs he hath furnished in the above case.

27 23 387
September 1674 Report of referees in the case of Gabry vs. Veryn

Report of referees in the case of Gabry agst. Veryn.

27 23 388
1674 Petition of Jan Jansen Veryn for a letter of protection during his attendance on the gov. and council

Petition. Jan Jansen Veryn, praying a letter of protection during his attendance on the gov. and council in the above suit.

27 23 389
1674 Petition of William Hallet

Petition. William Hallet, praying that his wife may be obliged to live with him agreeably to the decision of the referees, or in case of her refusal to comply, that he may be granted a divorce.

27 23 390
1674 Complaint of the fiscal against James ———, sent from Flushing as a public disturber

Complaint of the fiscal against James ———, sent from Flushing as a public disturber.

27 23 391
1674 Complaint against Peter Paulusen for assaulting Jacob Wolphertsen and others

Complaint against Peter Paulusen, for assaulting Jacob Wolphertsen and others.

27 23 392
1674 Answer of Anthony de Milt to the complaint of fiscal Knyff

Answer of Anthony de Milt to the complaint of fiscal Knyff.

27 23 393
1674 Petition of Peter Stoutenburgh for a piece of land to be used as a kitchen garden

Petition. Peter Stoutenburgh, for a piece of land to be used as a kitchen garden.

27 23 394
1674 Petition of Jacob Hendrickse Varvanger, attorney of Paulus Leendertse vander Grift, that Jacques Cortillyou appear before referees

Petition. Jacob Hendrickse Varvanger, attorney of Paulus Leendertse vander Grift, praying that Jacques Cortillyou may be obliged to appear before referees according to order.

27 23 395
1674 Petition of Frederick Philips complaining that the court at Willemstadt had taxed his father-in-law Adolf Hardenbroeck

Petition. Frederick Philips, complaining that the court at Willemstadt had taxed his father-in-law, Adolf Hardenbroeck, who is merely his agent, and as his (P.'s) estate is taxed in New Orange, prays that the tax in Willemstadt may be taken off.

27 23 396
1674 Petition of Isaac Melyn to be released from imprisonment

Petition. Isaac Melyn, a native and burgher of New Orange, praying to be released from imprisonment.

27 23 397
1674 Petition of Cornelis Steenwyck for a survey of his lot

Petition. Cornelis Steenwyck, praying a survey of his lot.

27 23 398
1674 Petition of Jan Theunissen, Jan Gerritsen and Anthony Theunissen requesting a grant to land on Staten Island

Petition. Jan Theunissen, Jan Gerritsen and Anthony Theunissen, praying a grant to each of 25 or 30 morgens of land on Staten Island.

27 23 399
1674 Petition of C. V. Ruyven requesting the appointment of commissioners to examine his accounts

Petition. C. V. Ruyven, praying the appointment of commissioners to examine his accounts.

27 23 400
August 25 1674 Nomination of magistrates for the town of Bergen and dependencies

Nomination of magistrates for the town of Bergen and dependencies.

27 23 401
September 6 1674 Nomination of magistrates for Gravesend

Nomination of magistrates for Gravesend.

27 23 402
September 20 1674 Certificate of the magistrates in favor of granting certain land on the west side of Staten Island to Henderick Rycken

Certificate of the magistrates in favor of granting certain land on the west side of Staten Island to Henderick Rycken.

27 23 403
September 25 1674 Survey of land on Staten Island for Roelof van der Linde, Jan Spieringh, Jan van der Linde, and Hans Spieringh

Survey of land on Staten Island for Roelof van der Linde, Jan Spieringh, Jan van der Linde, Hans Spieringh.

27 23 404
October 1 1674 Receipt of John Safflin, curator of the estate of Thomas Willet, for a lot of peltries seized by the government and now released

Receipt of John Safflin, of Boston, curator of the estate of Thomas Willet, dec'd, late of Swansy, in Plymouth colony, for a lot of peltries lately seized by the government and now released.

27 23 405
October 5 1674 Petition of children and heirs of Cornelis Melyn concerning Staten Island

Petition. Children and heirs of Cornelis Melyn et al., relative to Staten Island (fragment).

27 23 406
October 10 1674 Return of survey of a tract of land on Staten Island for Jacob Gerritse and Zeger Gerritse

Return of survey for Jacob Gerritse and Zeger Gerritse, of a tract of land on Staten Island.

27 23 407
February 1674 Petition of the minister and elders of the Lutheran church at Willemstadt to be allowed to bury their own dead

Petition. Minister and elders of the Lutheran church at Willemstadt, to be allowed to bury their own dead (see supra, p. 296, 313).

27 23 408
October 19 1674 Petition of Gerrit Janz Roos to purchase a piece of ground in New Orange

Petition. Gerrit Janz Roos, butcher, to purchase a piece of ground in New Orange.

27 23 410
October 10 1674 Return of survey of a parcel of land on Staten Island for Jan Scholten

Return of survey for Jan Scholten, of a parcel of land on Staten Island, along the Kill van kol.

27 23 411
October 22 1674 Letter from gov. Andros to gov. Colve

Letter. Gov. Andros to gov. Colve, "from on board the ship Diamond," demanding the transfer and surrender of the New Netherland, to the crown of Great Britain, pursuant to the late treaty.

27 23 412
October 24 1674 Letter from gov. Andros to gov. Colve

Letter. Gov. Andros to gov. Colve, requesting that an early day be fixt for the surrender of New Orange.

27 23 414
October 28 1674 Letter from gov. Andros to gov. Colve

Letter. Gov. Andros to gov. Colve, acknowleding receipt of certain proposals; expressing every wish to accommodate matters, and a desire to send a force ashore to receive the fort.

27 23 415
October 23 1674 Letter from gov. Andros to gov. Colve

Letter. Gov. Andros to gov. Colve, declining to land in a private capacity, and urging the surrender, &c.

27 23 416
October 25 1674 Balance sheet on the fortifications of New Orange with list of persons whose assessments remain unpaid

Balance sheet showing the amount received and expended on the fortifications of New Orange, with list of persons whose assessments remain unpaid.

27 23 417
October 27 1674 Proposals sent by gov. Colve to gov. Andros, previous to the surrender

Proposals sent by gov. Colve to gov. Andros, previous to the surrender.

27 23 419
November 2 1674 Letter from gov. Andros to gov. Colve

Letter. Gov. Andros to gov. Colve, with answers to the above proposals, and thanking him for the present of three horses and a coach.

27 23 420
October 29 1674 Commission of capt. Philip Carteret and Mathias Nicolls to receive stores from gov. Colve

Commission. Capt. Philip Carteret and Mathias Nicolls, to receive from gov. Colve such stores as are to be delivered pursuant to the articles of peace, with letter to gov. Colve informing him thereof.

27 23 422
November 10 1674 Letter from gov. Colve to Isaac Greveraedt

Letter. Gov. Colve to Isaac Greveraedt, schout of Swaenenbergh, directing him to deliver up that place to the English.

27 23 423
November 10 1674 List of confiscated lands, houses and other effects left by the gov. of New Netherland at his departure

List of confiscated lands, houses and other effects, left here by the gov. of New Netherland at his departure.

37 23 424a
1674 List of articles presented by capt. Knyff to the Lutheran church

List of articles presented by capt. Knyff to the Lutheran church.

37 23 424b
1674 Book of removed houses and moneys contributed for strengthening the fortifications of New Orange

Book which relates to removed houses and moneys contributed for strengthening the fortifications of New Orange.

37 23 425
September 6 1673 Minute of the commissioners appointed to arrange for the removal of the buildings adjoining the fort

Minute of the commissioners appointed to arrange for the removal of the buildings adjoining the fort.

37 23 426
1673 Names of persons whose houses have been removed for the purpose of strengthening Fort Willem Hendrick, with estimates of damages

Names of persons whose houses have been removed for the purpose of strengthening Fort Willem Hendrick, with estimates of damages.

37 23 430
November 29 1673 - November 3 1674 Register of Dutch patents and deeds from 29 November 1673 to 3 November 1674

Register of Dutch patents and deeds begun 29th November, 1673, and ending 3d November, 1674. [Cover sheet of all documents numbered 23:433.]

37 23 433
November 29 1673 Patent of gov. Colve to John Ogden, Jaspar Crane, Jacob Melyn, Samuel Hopkins, John Ward, Abraham Pierson, senior, and Stephen Freeman

Patent. Gov. Colve to John Ogden, Jaspar Crane, Jacob Melyn, Samuel Hopkins, John Ward, Abraham Pierson, senior, and Stephen Freeman, for themselves, and the inhabitants of New Work (N. J.), of a plantation heretofore beloning to major Nathaniel Kingsland, of Barbadoes, in the Caribbees, being two-thirds of a neck of land at Achter Col, between the rivers Pessayack and Hackingsack, extending from the point opposite New Work, to the fall opposite Espatin, which land had been confiscated and sold by auction to the above parties, and the remaining third part to William Sandford of Achter Coll, aforesaid.

37 23 433_01
February 28 1674 Bill of sale of a confiscated ship to Jan Hendricks Spinter, William Sandford, Cornelis van Bursum and Reinout Wiliamse

Bill of sale to Jan Hendricks Spinter, William Sandford, Cornelis van Bursum and Reinout Wiliamse, of a confiscated ketch.

37 23 433_04
February 28 1674 Pass to Lourens Sachariassen, skipper of the ship Welfare, for a voyage to Surinam

Pass to Lourens Sachariassen, skipper of the ketch Welfare, for a voyage to Surinam.

37 23 433_07
March 6 1674 Bill of sale of the confiscated ship Neptune to Dirck van Clyff

Bill of sale to Dirck van Clyff, of the confiscated ketch Neptune.

37 23 433_08
March 28 1674 Bill of sale to Cornelis Steenwyck and Nicholas Bayard of the confiscated ship St. Michael

Bill of sale to Cornelis Steenwyck and Nicholas Bayard, of the confiscated ship St. Michael.

37 23 433_09
March 19 1674 Patent of Gertrude, widow of John Hubon for a lot on Long Island

Patent. Gertrude, widow of John Hubon; lot situate at the Ferry, Long Island.

37 23 433_10
April 22 1674 Deed of Gisbert Elbertsen to Jan Janse Slot of a tract of land at Mespath's kil, L. I.

Deed. Gisbert Elbertsen, to Jan Janse Slot; a tract of land at Mespath's kil, L. I., containing 13 morgens, with a lot on the south side of Burger Jorissen's house.

37 23 433_11
March 19 1674 Deed of the heirs of Govert Loockermans to Roelof Martense Schenck of a bouwery at Amesfoort, L. I.

Deed. Maretie, widow of Govert Loockermans, Balthazar Bayard, Hans Kierstede with Johannes de Peyster and Oloff Stevensen van Cortland, guardians of Jacob Loockermans, heirs of said Govert Loockermans, to Roelof Martense Schenck, of a bouwery at Amesfoort, L. I., containing 200 acres; also one lot in the village aforesaid, two valley lots at Canuressingh, one lot on Vriesen hook, one lot on Varcken's hook, one lot on Bestevaer's island, two lots in the rear of the land in the Great Valley, with the buildings thereon.

37 23 433_12
April 23 1674 Bill of sale to Jacobus van de Water and Stephen van Cortland of the confiscated ship Dolphin

Bill of sale to Jacobus van de Water and Stephen van Cortland of the confiscated sloop Dolphin.

37 23 433_14
February 10 1674 Deed of Ephraim Herman, agent of his father Augustyn Herman, to the widow and curators of the estate of the late Nicholas Davids

Deed. Ephraim Herman, agent of his father Augustyn Herman, to the widow and curators of the estate of the late Nicholas Davids of Backstable, New England, of a tract of land in the bay opposite Staten Island, south of the Raritan kil, beginning at the first kil called Kehackanick, thence running north along the bay to the Raritan kil aforesaid, thence westward up to the great kil Wackonabeck, which runs southerly, as purchased by said Augustyn Herman from the Indians, 28 March, 1651, and patented to him by Philip Carteret, 16 Nov. 1666 (New Jersey).

37 23 433_16
October 14 1673 Patent of Nicholas Bayard of a lot in New Orange

Patent. Nicholas Bayard; confiscated lot on the High street, New Orange, formerly belonging to William [Pattison], at present living in Scotland.

37 23 433_19
October 14 1673 Patent of Cornelis, husband of Sara van Borsum, for her services as Indian interpreter, a lot on Manhattan Island

Patent. Cornelis, husband of Sara van Borsum, for her services as Indian interpretress; lot on Manhattan Island about northwest of the Windmill, on the west side of the road, which runs to the Kalckhook.

37 23 433_20
May 22 1674 Patent of Paulus Regrinar for land on Staten Island

Patent. Paulus Regrinar; 70 morgens of land on Staten Island, on the bay, about 1 Dutch mile from Gideon Marlet's point.

37 23 433_21
May 22 1674 Patent of Peter Stoutenbergh for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Peter Stoutenbergh; lot west of the Broadway, being No. 3, in the garden formerly belonging to the W. I. Company, New Orange.

37 23 433_22
1674 Patent of Gerrit Janse Roos for a lot in New Orange

Gerrit Janse Roos; lot No. 2 adjoining the above.

37 23 433_23
May 22 1674 Patent of William van Vredenburgh for a lot in New Orange

Patent. William van Vredenburgh; lot No. 1, adjoining the above.

37 23 433_24
May 22 1674 Patent of George Cobbet for a lot in New Orange

Patent. George Cobbet; lot No. 4, adjoining the Lutheran congregation in the garden aforesaid.

37 23 433_25
May 22 1674 Patent of the Lutheran congregation for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Lutheran congregation; lot No. 5, in the garden aforesaid, between George Cobbet and the city wall, New Orange.

37 23 433_26
May 24 1674 Patent of Peter de Riemer for a confiscated house and lot heretofore belonging to the late gov. Francis Lovelace in New Orange

Patent. Peter de Riemer; confiscated house and lot heretofore belonging to the late gov. Francis Lovelace, cast of fort William Hendrick, New Orange.

37 23 433_27
May 24 1674 Patent of Simon Barentse Blanck for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Simon Barentse Blanck; lot in Brewer street, New Orange.

37 23 433_28
May 24 1674 Patent of Peter Jansen Slodt for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Peter Jansen Slodt; lot in Brewer street, New Orange, adjoining the above.

37 23 433_29
May 24 1674 Patent of Jan Dirckse Meyer for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Jan Dirckse Meyer; lot in Bridge street, New Orange.

37 23 433_30
May 24 1674 Patent of Andries Meyer for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Andries Meyer; lot in Bridge street, New Orange.

37 23 433_31
May 24 1674 Patent of Peter Janse Mesier for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Peter Janse Mesier; lot in Bridge street, east the Five houses, New Orange.

37 23 433_32
May 24 1674 Patent of Ephraim Herman for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Ephraim Herman; lot in High street, east of the highway, New Orange.

37 23 433_33
May 24 1674 Patent of Martin Janse Meyer for a house and lot in New Orange

Patent. Martin Janse Meyer; confiscated house and lot east of the Sheep Pasture, New Orange, heretofore the property of Thomas Delaval.

37 23 433_34
May 24 1674 Patent of Lodewyck Post for a house and lot in New Orange

Patent. Lodewyck Post; confiscated house and lot on the East river, New Orange, formerly the property of William Pattison.

37 23 433_35
May 24 1674 Patent of Peter Harmse for a house and lot in New Orange

Patent. Peter Harmse; confiscated house and lot on the little corner of Smiths street, New Orange, formerly the property of William Pattison.

37 23 433_36
February 15 1674 Patent of Jacobus van de Water for a house and lot in New Orange

Patent. Jacobus van de Water; confiscated house and lot in Pearl street, New Orange, formerly the property of William Pattison, now residing in Scotland.

37 23 433_37
February 15 1674 Patent of Gerrit Hendrickse for a house and lot in New Orange

Gerrit Hendrickse, butcher; confiscated house and lot in Smiths street, New Orange, formerly the property of William Pattison, aforesaid.

37 23 433_38
July 17 1674 Patent of Ephraim Herman for a lot outside the city of New Orange

Patent. Ephraim Herman; lot, garden and orchard in Smith's valley, without the city of New Orange.

37 23 433_40
May 24 1674 Patent of Johannis van Brugh for land in New Jersey

Patent. Johannis van Brugh; valley on the west side of the North river, between two kills called Hoboocken and Wiehaacken, containing about 5 @ 6 morgens (New Jersey).

37 23 433_41
May 21 1674 Patent of Obadiah Bruen, Samuel Kitchell, Michael Tamkins, John Brown, Rober Denison, and the other inhabitants of the town of New Worke at Achter Coll

Patent. Obadiah Bruen, Samuel Kitchell, Michael Tamkins, John Brown, Rober Denison, and the other inhabitants of the town of New Worke at Achter Coll, all the lands belonging to said town bounded east by the bay, north by the Passayack River, south by the great kil or river called Weequahick, and running in the valley to the head of the Inboght, and thence to the foot of the high hill called Watching, being about 7 or 8 English miles from Passayackdorp, and from the hill aforesaid to the third kil in Passayack river, which kill is called Yantakah, &c. (New Jersey).

37 23 433_42
July 17 1674 Patent of Martin Janse Meyer for a lot outside the city of Orange

Patent. Martin Janse Meyer; lot, garden, and orchard in Smith's valley, without the city of Orange.

37 23 433_45
July 23 1674 Patent of the consistory of New Orange for the use of the church standing in Fort William Hendrick for divine service

Patent. Consistory of New Orange; the use of the church standing in fort William Hendrick, which they have enjoyed hitherto up to the present time, for divine service.

37 23 433_46
September 4 1674 Patent of Roelof van der Linde, Jan Spieringh, Jan van der Linde and Hans Spieringh for land on Staten Island

Patent. Roelof van der Linde, Jan Spieringh, Jan van der Linde and Hans Spieringh; morgens on land on the northwest hook of Staten Island.

37 23 433_47
July 17 1674 Patent of Peter Jansen Mesier for a lot outside New Orange

Patent. Peter Jansen Mesier; lot in Smith's valley, without the city of New Orange.

37 23 433_50
July 17 1674 Patent of Peter Stoutenbergh for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Peter Stoutenbergh; lot in New Orange, adjoining Dr. Henry Taylor's garden.

37 23 433_52
October 10 1674 Patent of Jan Teunissen van Pelt for land on Staten Island

Patent. Jan Teunissen van Pelt; piece of land known as The Blackpoint, on the Kil van Col, Staten Island.

37 23 433_54
October 26 1674 Patent of Martin Cregier, jr. for a house and lot formerly belonging to the English governor Francis Lovelace in New Orange

Patent. Martin Cregier, jun'r; confiscated house and lot adjoining the Lutheran church yard, formerly belonging to the English governor Francis Lovelace, New Orange.

37 23 433_53
October 10 1674 Patent of Jacob Gerritsen and Seger Gerritsen for land on Staten Island

Patent. Jacob Gerritsen and Seger Gerritsen; 72 morgens land, south of the Fresh kil on Staten Island.

37 23 433_55
February 16 1674 Patent of Ephraim and Casparus Hermans for land below New Amstel

Patent. Ephraim and Casparus Hermans, brothers; neck of land below New Amstel, on the South river, running in breadth along said river from Ariens kil to Appoquenemin kil, and inland to the head of Ariens kil, containing about 250 morgens, more or less.

37 23 433_56a
October 20 1674 Patent of Peter Jansen Statuis and his sons Jan and Peter Petersen with Jan Jansen for a piece of land on Staten Island

Patent. Peter Jansen Statuis and his sons Jan and Peter Petersen of Gouwanis, with Jan Jansen; piece of land on the southwest side of Staten Island, bounded west by the kil and south by the bay.

37 23 433_56b
October 30 1674 Patent of Elizabeth Drisius for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Elizabeth Drisius; lot in New Orange, adjoining the widow Couwenhoven.

37 23 433_57a
October 30 1674 Patent of Jan Scholten for land on the Kil van Col, Staten Island

Patent. Jan Scholten; 30 morgens of land on the Kil van Col, Staten Island.

37 23 433_57b
November 3 1674 Patent of Gerrit Jansen Roos for a lot in New Orange

Patent. Gerrit Jansen Roos; lot in New Orange.

37 23 433_57c
February 23 1674 Declaration of Maritie Juriaens regarding the violent conduct of rev. Mr. Fabricius

Declaration of Maritie Juriaens, regarding the violent conduct of rev. Mr. Fabricius aforesaid.

37 23 315
March 23 1674 Mortgage of John Catlin, attorney for Edward Ball, John Baltwin and Nathaniel Wheeler, of a portion of their land at Achter Col to Gabriel Minviele

Mortgage by same to Gabriel Minviele of another portion of said plantation.

37 23 327