New Netherland Council Curacao Records
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Overview of the Records
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Administrative History
The records in this series document the seventeenth-century Dutch administration of the Caribbean islands of Cura?ao, Aruba, and Bonaire and the beginnings of the development of trans-Atlantic trade routes linking North America, West Africa, the Caribbean, and Western Europe.
The Dutch took control of Cura?ao in 1634 intending to make it a source of salt, which at the time was vital for food preservation. The records were created by the Dutch West India Company (WIC) during its administration of the trading post on Cura?ao, as well as shipping and trade on the islands of Cura?ao, Bonaire, and Aruba. They represent the earliest records of territories still administered by the Netherlands. The Dutch islands became a major trading center under Petrus Stuyvesant and Matthias Beck's administrations as directors-general. Trade also developed between New Netherland and the islands; New Netherland provided building materials, provisions, and merchandise and received dyewood and slaves from Cura?ao, horses from Aruba, and salt from Bonaire. Salt was critical to the herring industry, in that preserving fish in a brine solution allowed the Dutch to stay at sea longer.
The Cura?ao records represent two distinct time periods relating to Petrus Stuyvesant's association with the Caribbean: first, as director of Cura?ao, 1643-1644; and later as a visitor to the Caribbean in 1655 while director-general of New Netherland, Cura?ao, Bonaire, and Aruba (1646-1664).
Scope and Content Note
The Cura?ao records document the West India Company's activities in the Caribbean during the seventeenth century, supply information about the administration of affairs on Cura?ao, and depict the commercial relationship between the islands and New Netherland. Records of the first period include instructions from the West India Company to Stuyvesant and his council detailing how Cura?ao should be regulated and resolutions representing the administrative decisions of Stuyvesant and his council from January 5, 1643 to November 9, 1644.
Records of the second period relate to the management of affairs on Cura?ao, particularly during Matthias Beck's tenure as vice-director, and include instructions from Stuyvesant to Beck and correspondence between Beck, Stuyvesant, and the WIC directors in Amsterdam. Also included are commercial records such as bills of lading, manifests, orders, memorandums, charters, accounts, lists of supplies requested from New Netherland, and receipts for items received. A ship's journal and related documents in the series describe a voyage during which 110 slaves perished before the journey ended in shipwreck. The ship sent to rescue survivors was itself captured by English pirates. The captors removed surviving slaves from the ship and spirited them away, never to be seen again.
Petrus Stuyvesant's name appears on many of the records, both as vice-director of Cura?ao from 1642 to 1644 and director-general of New Netherland, Cura?ao, Bonaire, Aruba, and their dependencies from 1647 to 1664. There is also correspondence of vice-directors of Cura?ao Lucas van Rodenburgh (1644-1655) and Matthias Beck (1655-1664); Balthazar Stuyvesant (Petrus Stuyvesant's son); and Wilhelmus Valckingburgh, domine (an ordained minister of the Dutch Reformed Church) on Cura?ao.
This series originally constituted volume 17 of the New York Historical Manuscripts in the New York State Library. The original records are in the Dutch language.
Alternate Formats Available
Scanned images of this series are available at the New York State Archives.
Photostat use copies of selected documents are available at the New York State Archives.
New York State Archives Digital Collections
New Netherland Council Curacao records, 1640-1665
Other Finding Aids
Available at Repository
Folder list and calendar prepared by the New Netherland Project are available at the repository.
Indexed by E.B. O'Callaghan in Calendar of Historical Manuscripts in the Office of the Secretary of State, Albany, N.Y. (Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, 1865).
Translated in: Curacao Papers, 1640-1665, trans. and ed. Charles T. Gehring, ed. Jacob Adriaan Schiltkamp ("New Netherland Documents Series," vol. 17) (Interlaken, N.Y.: Heart of the Lakes Publishing, 1987).
Online Index
Personal Name Index This index includes more than 1,000 names referenced in the Curacao records. Please note that the indexes record names as
they appear in the records. It is possible that a single individual is referenced multiple times. Each entry includes the
individual's name, role, document date and link to the digitized document and transcript.
Processing Information
The records were arranged as a separate series by Archives staff in the early 1980s. Folders are marked 17:1 through 17:110.
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the material.
Access Terms
Detailed Description
Dates | Contents | Box | Item | Folder | |
Accretion: A1883-78 |
August 15 1640 | INSTRUCTIONS for Jacob Pietersen Tolck, director of Curaçao
Instructions from the Amsterdam Chamber of the West India Company, to the Hon'ble J. Petersen Tolck, director on the island of Curaçao, and his council, together with the secret instructions by which they are to regulate themselves. [1640] |
17 | 1 |
January 6 1643 | Five PROPOSALS concerning Bonaire & Aruba
Five propositions to the "Heeren Landen" of the island of Curaçao. [1643] |
17 | 2a |
January 6 1643 | RESOLUTION. On five propositions for the Council of Curaçao concerning Bonaire and Aruba
RESOLUTION. On five propositions for the Council of Curaçao concerning Bonaire and Aruba. [1643] |
17 | 2b |
January 6 1643 | RESOLUTION concerning repairs to a yacht, search for seals and inspection of the saltpans on Bonaire
RESOLUTION concerning repairs to a yacht, search for seals and inspection of the saltpans on Bonaire. [1643] |
17 | 2c |
January 6 1643 | RESOLUTION against plundering gardens belonging to blacks and Indians
RESOLUTION against plundering gardens belonging to blacks and Indians. [1643] |
17 | 2d |
March 10 1643 | RESOLUTIONS concerning "freedoms and exemptions" granted to freemen
Resolution. On the application of sundry persons whose term of service had expired, granting them lands on the following conditions. [1643];Freedoms and exemptions granted to the Company's servants who, after the expiration of their time, have expressed a desire to pursue agriculture. [1643] (5 pages);Acceptance by Francis Bruyn, Juriaen Lubertsen, and other free planters of Curaçao, of the above privileges. [1643] |
17 | 3a |
March 13 1643 | RESOLUTION concerning missions for ships present at Curaçao
Resolution. Respecting the disposition to be made of Company's yachts Neptune, Seven Star, Cat and Parrot ; Bonaire destroyed by the Spaniards ; supplies required from New Netherland. [1643];Further resolution. To discharge a number of sailors ; famine last year. [1643] |
17 | 3b |
March 18 1643 | RESOLUTION permitting Company servants to return to the fatherland, and concerning ship's crews
Further resolution. To discharge a number of sailors ; famine last year. [1643] (2 pages) |
17 | 3c |
March 20 1643 | RESOLUTION concerning relief from the fatherlands
Resolution. To advise the directors in Holland of the low condition of Curaçao ; the fear that the famine will return; the want of supplies no succor to be expected from New Netherland. [1643] |
17 | 4a |
March 31 1643 | RESOLUTION concerning replacement personnel
Resolution. Promoting sundry persons to vacancies in the military forces; regulations of Indians, &c. [1643] (3 pages) |
17 | 4b |
April 14 1643 | RESOLUTION to send Company blacks to Bonaire and to dispatch a sloop to catch turtles
Resolution. To procure salt at Bonaire and turtle from the islands of Aves and Rocas. [1643] |
17 | 5a |
May 19 1643 | RESOLUTION to station military personnel on Bonaire, to appoint a commander for Bonaire, to seek food at neighboring islands
Resolution regarding Bonaire ; Peter Fredericks appointed commander there; threatened famine; the island of St. Martin menaced. [1643] |
17 | 5b |
June 6 1643 | RESOLUTION to catch turtles
Resolution. Detailing men to go to the island of Little Curaçao in search of turtle, as the garrison is on short rations. [1643] |
17 | 5c |
June 16 1643 | RESOLUTION to trade for horses and goats at St. Cruis, to return the blacks from Bonaire, to trade salt for beans
Resolution. To dispatch a vessel to the island of Santa Cruz for a supply of beans. Permit to a Spanish bark with a commission from the earl of Warwick to take in salt in exchange for beans. [1643] (2 pages) |
17 | 5d |
August 10 1643 | RESOLUTION concerning replacement of personnel and concerning Spaniards captured on Bonaire
Resolution. Making sundry appointments in the naval service. Caspar Harmense comforter of the sick, chorister, &c, in place of Casparus Durerus, on the recommendation the rev. Johannes Cornelij, minister at the island. [1643] (2 pages) |
17 | 5e |
August 20 1643 | RESOLUTION to send a yacht to Aruba, concerning captured Spaniards, employment of a supercargo
Resolution. Relating to Spanish prisoners. [1643] (2 pages) |
17 | 5f |
September 7 1643 | RESOLUTION to send a ship to St. Cruis for cassava
Resolution. To dispatch another vessel to Sta Cruz for provisions. [1643] |
17 | 5g |
September 24 1643 | RESOLUTION concerning rations and provisions
Resolution. Regulating the distribution of provisions. [1643] |
17 | 6a |
October 15 1643 | RESOLUTION to send a ship to St. Cruis for cattle
Resolution. To send to Sta Cruz and Margaritta for a supply of provisions; supplies very low. [1643] |
17 | 6b |
December 5 1643 | RESOLUTION concerning rationing of provisions, Spanish prisoners, employment of personnel
Resolution. Fixing rations of each person; supplies received. [1643] |
17 | 7a |
December 18 1643 | RESOLUTION concerning naval operations, establishing a day of prayer, retaining a flyboat in service, Spanish prisoners, employment
of a pilot
Resolution. Appointing a day of fasting and prayer to obtain a blessing for an expedition which is to be led by the director (Stuyvesant) in person. [1643] (2 pages) |
17 | 7b |
January 1 1644 | RESOLUTION to send a ship out on reconnaissance
Resolution. Adopted off Hispaniola, on board the Blue Cock, to send in some yachts to take prisoners in order to learn somewhat of the enemy's designs. [1644] |
17 | 7c |
January 14 1644 | RESOLUTION to attack St. Martin
Resolution. Adopted as above, to attack, and if possible, to reduce the island of St. Martin. [1644] |
17 | 7d |
March 16 1644 | RESOLUTION to employ soldiers, regulate private skippers
Resolution. On board the Blue Cock, to proceed to attack the island St. Martin to-morrow. [1644] |
17 | 7e |
March 30 1644 | RESOLUTION concerning officers involved in attack on fort on St. Martin
Resolution. Detailing the mode of attack on fort St. Martin. [1644] |
17 | 7f |
April 16 1644 | RESOLUTION to raise the siege on fort on St. Martin
Resolution. Raising the siege of fort St. Martin. [1644] |
17 | 7g |
May 18 1644 | RESOLUTION to send Company servants from Brazil to New Netherland, to permit Commander Wiltschut to go to Pernambuco.
Resolution. To send a number of people recently arrived at Curaçao, to New Netherland. [1644] |
17 | 8a |
May 20 - 25 1644 | RESOLUTION concerning shipment of soldiers from Brazil to New Netherland
Divers resolutions passed on the 20th, 21st, and 25th May. Paulus Leendersen (van der Grist) appointed to command the Neptune; cruisers sent towards Carthagena, and other Spanish possessions. [1644] |
17 | 8b |
May 26 1644 | Resolution. To send people to New Netherland in the Blue Cock, as the director there is in want of assistance against the
rebellious Indians
RESOLUTION concerning provisions from Brazil, the flyboat, shipment of Brazil soldiers to New Netherland, trading horses for provisions, information from a captured Spaniard, employment of a ship's captain, departure of Company servants, reprieve of captured blacks and mulattoes, posting of ordinances. [1644] (5 pages) |
17 | 8c |
June 6 1644 | RESOLUTION concerning rations and employment of personnel
Resolution. Making sundry naval appointments. [1644] (2 pages) |
17 | 8d |
June 16 1644 | RESOLUTION concerning naval operations
Resolution. To dispatch additional cruisers. [1644] |
17 | 8e |
July 18 1644 | RESOLUTION to haul salt from Bonaire
Resolution. Providing for the removal of a large quantity of salt in the pans at Bonaire. [1644] |
17 | 9a |
July 22 1644 | RESOLUTION to send blacks and materials to Bonaire, and bread to two cruising ships
Resolution. To send for salt to the north side of Hispaniola and supplies to the cruisers. [1644] |
17 | 9b |
August 22 1644 | RESOLUTION expanding the council
Resolution. Adjoining lieut. Jacob Scherf and ensign Jacob Mattysen from Riethoven, to the council, in the absence of the naval commanders. [1644] |
17 | 9c |
August 22 1644 | RESOLUTION concerning departure of Stuyvesant, appointment of a provisional director
Resolution. Providing for the government of the island of Curaçao, in consequence of director Stuyvesant being obliged to return home on account of a wound he received at St. Martin. [1644] |
17 | 9d |
August 22 1644 | RESOLUTION appointing Lucas Rodenborch provisional director
Resolution. Appointing Lucas Rodenborche provisional director of Curaçao and dependencies. [1644] |
17 | 10a |
August 23 1644 | RESOLUTION to return Company servants and soldiers to the fatherland
Resolution. Accepting the resignations of fiscal Quiryn van Seventer and secretary Aernout Verellen, and discharging a number of old soldiers and sailors, "as it is difficult to catch hares with unwilling dogs." [1644] |
17 | 10b |
August 25 1644 | RESOLUTION concerning employment of personnel and increase of salaries
Resolution. Appointing Carl van Brugge storekeeper, John Piers from Bostoun, assistant-surgeon, Hendryck Eldersen acting secretary, &c. [1644] |
17 | 10c |
November 9 1644 | RESOLUTION to seek a harbor in Ireland for Stuyvesant's ship during his return to the fatherland
Resolution (on board the Milkmaid). To put into the first harbor in Ireland, with director Stuyvesant, through stress of weather. [1644] |
17 | 10d |
February 22 1652 | GRANT OF LAND on Curaçao to Joseph Nunes de Fonseca by the West India Company
Grant to Joseph Nunes de Fonscca, alias David Nassi and Company (Jews), of a colonie on the island of Curaçao. [1652] |
17 | 11 |
undated | FREEDOMS AND EXEMPTIONS granted to Joseph Nunes de Fonseca's colony on Curaçao
Freedoms and exemptions granted to the above parties; to have a tract two leagues along the coast for every 50 families, and 4 leagues long for every 100 families ; neither themselves nor their colonists nor laborers to work on the Christian Sabbath. |
17 | 12 |
undated | Copy of Documents 11 and 12
Copy of Documents 11 and 12. |
17 | 13 |
April 2 1654 | LETTER from Lucas Rodenburch, vice-director of Curaçao, to the directors at Amsterdam
Letter. Curaçao. Vice-director Rodenburch to the directors at Amsterdam ; affairs of the government; no more than 10 or 12 settlers on the Jew colonie ; specimens of minerals. [1654] |
17 | 14 |
July 7 1654 | LETTER from the directors in Amsterdam to Lucas Rodenburch, vice-director of Curaçao
Letter. Amsterdam. Directors to vice-director Rodenburch, in answer to the above, with complaints against Jan de Yllan, a Jew, patroon in Curaçao; regular communication to be established between New Netherland and Curaçao.> |
17 | 15 |
March 22 1655 | LETTER from the directors in Amsterdam to Lucas Rodenburch, vice-director of Curaçao
Letter. Amsterdam. Directors to vice-director Rodenburch, acknowledging receipt of his dispatches ; a large quantity of cotton at Curaçao ; horses not to be exported without express order of the directors.> |
17 | 16 |
March 27 1655 | INVOICE of goods sent to New Netherland
Invoice of goods sent to New Netherland. |
17 | 17 |
May 27 1655 | INVENTORY of guns, ammunition and stores on Curaçao
Inventory of guns, ammunition and stores at Curaçao. |
17 | 18 |
June 8 1655 | INSTRUCTIONS given by Petrus Stuyvesant to Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao
Curaçao. Instructions given by Peter Stuyvesant, director of New Netherland, to Matthis Beck, vice-director of Curaçao, &c. |
17 | 19 |
June 9 1655 | BOND of Petrus Stuyvesant concerning the purchase of provisions from the commissary on Curaçao
Note of director Stuyvesant in favor of Michiel Vrymoet for 2,804 guilders, payable in horses. |
17 | 20 |
1655 | INVENTORY of goods brought to Curaçao from Guinea, 1655, destined for New Netherland
Invoice of goods sent from Guinea to Curaçao, to be forwarded to New Netherland. |
17 | 21 |
June 12 1655 | BOND of Lucas Rodenburch concerning the goats and sheep delivered by Petrus Stuyvesant to the Company
Certificate of Lucas Rodenburch of the number of goats and sheep delivered to the company by director Stuyvesant, according to the return of Jan Galiert, schoolmaster and late overseer of the goats. |
17 | 22 |
December 24 1655 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to director Stuyvesant ; reduction of the Swedes at the Delaware ; difficulties with the Indians in New Netherland ; advance state of the crops on the island ; scarcity of food ; cotton crop short ; goats and sheep imported ; Laurence van Ruyven, commissary ; secretary Verellen discharged ; more negroes required, only 20 on the island ; want of rain. |
17 | 23 |
February 21 1656 | COUNCIL MINUTE concerning proposals on trade relations between Curaçao and Barbados
Minute of council. Receipt of proposals from governor (Searle) of Barbadoes for free trade between that island and Curaçao ; order thereupon ; disposition of the cargo imported by Isaac de Fonseca, a Jew. |
17 | 25a |
February 23 1656 | RESOLUTION concerning disposition of the cargo imported by Isaac de Fonseca
Further resolution. Relating to the cargo imported in Curaçao by the above Jew. |
17 | 25b |
March 21 1656 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to director Stuyvesant ; state of the island ; great drought and failure of the crops ; cargo of the above Jew. |
17 | 26 |
June 11 1657 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to the directors in Amsterdam
Curacao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to the directors at Amsterdam ; efforts to open a trade with Caraccas ; slave trade ; prosperous state of the island when under the Spaniards ; state of the fisheries ; manufacture of salt ; crops in Curaçao impossible without rain ; price of negroes ; reported gold or silver mine ; cultivation of cotton ; a cotton mill. |
17 | 27 |
July 28 1657 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to the directors in Amsterdam
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to the directors at Amsterdam ; underhand trade with the Caraccas ; Francesco, a Spanish friar, visits Curaçao to trade ; price of negroes ; slave trade ; failure to discover the gold mine ; specimens of excavated earth sent to Holland.> |
17 | 28 |
July 28 1657 | PERMIT to Simon Cornelissen Gilde, skipper of Den Vogelstruys, to proceed to Amsterdam by way of New Netherland
Permit to Simon Cornelissen Gilde, commander of the ship Ostrich, to proceed on his voyage to Amsterdam by way of New Netherland. |
17 | 29a |
March 11 1658 | RESOLUTION concerning regulation of the salt trade at Curaçao and Bonaire
Resolution. Of the Amsterdam Chamber of the W. I. Company, approving and ordering the publication of certain regulations for the salt trade at Curaçao and Bonaire, |
17 | 29b |
March 26 1658 | ORDER by the directors in Amsterdam prohibiting the sale of dyewood at Curaçao for thirty months
Order. Of the chamber at Amsterdam that no "stockvischhout" shall be sold in, or exported from, Curaçao for the space of 30 months, |
17 | 31 |
August 29 1658 | RECEIPT for a quantity of provisions from Jan Harmensen Prins, skipper of the Diemen
Receipt. Of Laurence van Ruyven, storekeeper, for a quantity of provisions and wine from Jan Harmensen Prins, skipper. |
17 | 32a |
September 5 1658 | RECEIPT of Jacob Davitsz, first mate of the Diemen, for goods received against his wages
Receipt. Of Jacob Davitsen, pilot, for certain moneys on account of his wages. |
17 | 32b |
September 10 1658 | RECEIPT of Jan Harmensen Prins for various goods
Receipt. Of Jan Harmensen Prins, skipper, for sundry stores. |
17 | 33 |
September 11 1658 | MEMORANDUM of necessaries for Curaçao
Memorandum. Of sundry necessaries required for the island of Curaçao. |
17 | 34 |
September 11 1658 | Copy of Document 34
Copy of Document 34. |
17 | 35 |
September 13 1658 | BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Bill of lading for 23½ lasts of salt shipped from Curaçao to New Netherland. |
17 | 36a |
September 1 - 31 1658 | MANIFEST of goods sent from Curaçao to New Netherland
Memorandum. Of sundries sent to divers persons in New Netherland, viz.: Salt, preserved lemons, paroquets and parrots, some of which were for Johannis van Brugh, recently married to Miss Rodenborgh. |
17 | 36b |
January 1 1656 | ACCOUNT of goods belonging to Josua and Mordakay Emriques
Invoice of jewelry and other articles sent to Joshua Mordekay En Riques. |
17 | 37 |
October 28 1656 - April 23 1659 | ACCOUNT (debit/credit) of Augustyn Beaulieu
Account of sundries due captain Augustyn Beaulieu. |
17 | 38 |
April 30 1659 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to director Stuyvesaut. Arrival of Augustyn Heermans, &c, |
17 | 39 |
May 16 1659 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to director Stuyvesant ; trade with New Netherland ; Muscavado sugar sent thither ; scarcity of negroes ; capt. Beaulieu ; Mr. Heermans leaves for New Netherland. (4 pages) |
17 | 40 |
August 23 1659 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to director Stuyvesant ; arrival of 331 slaves from Guinea ; some sold, others sent to New Netherland ; provisions required ; no means to repair ships ; war between Sweden and Denmark ; admiral de Ruyter ; rev. Adrian Beaumont, minister at Curaçao ; rev. Machiel Zyperus sails for New Netherland in the hope of receiving a call there. (4 pages) |
17 | 41 |
September 10 1659 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to director Stuyvesant ; encloses letters for the chamber at Amsterdam which he requests to be forwarded. (2 pages) |
17 | 42 |
November 4 1659 | JOURNAL kept by Adriaen Blaes van der Veer, skipper of the slaver St. Jan
Journal. Ship St. John's voyage from El Mina to Rio Real for slaves, and thence to Curaçao ; 385 were shipped, but for want of provisions, 190 were sent to El Mina ; the ship was finally wrecked on the rifts of Rocco, near Bonaire, and the slaves abandoned ; 84 were afterwards captured by an English privateer or rover. (3 pages) |
17 | 43a |
undated | LIST of slaves who died aboard the slaver St. Jan, 30 June 1659-29 October 1659
List of slaves who died on board the ship St. John between the 30th June and 29th October, 1659 ; in all 110 men, women and children. (2 pages) |
17 | 43b |
January 25 1659 | CHARTER PARTY of Den Eyckenboom to transport slaves from Guinea to Curaçao
Charter party of the ship Oak Tree to the Amsterdam Chamber of the W. I. Company, for a voyage to the coast of Africa and thence to Curaçao or New Netherland and back. (4 pages) |
17 | 44 |
May 2 1659 | RECEIPT for provisions and materials sent from New Netherland to Curaçao aboard the Nieuw Amstel
Receipt for provisions sent from New Netherland to Curaçao per the ship New Amstel. |
17 | 45 |
May 11 1659 | BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Receipt of Augustyn Heerman for a cargo of salt shipped at Curaçao for New Netherland. |
17 | 46 |
May 16 1659 | BILL OF LADING for dyewood and sugar loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Bill of lading for the above, and invoices of Muscovado sugar, &c., sent to New Netherland in the ship New Amstel, |
17 | 47 |
May 16 1659 | MANIFEST of goods loaded aboard the Nieuw Amstel bound for New Netherland
Bill of lading for the above, and invoices of Muscovado sugar, &c., sent to New Netherland in the ship New Amstel, |
17 | 48a |
June 16 1659 | MANIFEST of goods loaded aboard the Nieuw Amstel bound for New Netherland
Bill of lading for the above, and invoices of Muscovado sugar, &c., sent to New Netherland in the ship New Amstel. (3 pages) |
17 | 48b |
January 11 1660 | RECEIPT of Pedro Diez Tzorrilla to Matthias Beck for sixty-two slaves
Receipt of Pedro Diez Troxxilla to vice-director Beck, for sixty-two slaves. |
17 | 49 |
August 23 1659 | MEMORANDUM of necessities for Curaçao
Memorandum of necessaries for the island of Curaçao. |
17 | 50 |
August 24 1659 | BILL OF LADING for five slaves loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Bill of lading for five negroes "all dry and well conditioned and marked as in the margin," sent to director Stuyvesant in New Netherland, |
17 | 51a |
August 24 1659 | BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Bill of lading for fifty lasts of salt sent to New Netherland. |
17 | 51b |
November 25 1659 | DEPOSITIONS relating to the seizure by pirates of slaves aboard the wrecked slaver St. Jan
Informations taken by vice-director Beck respecting the seizure of the company's negroes wrecked on board the ship St. John, on the island Rocus, and the capture of the company's sloop which was sent out to save them. (14 pages) |
17 | 52 |
December 5 1659 | PROCLAMATION of Matthias Beck, for the capture of the pirates who seized the slaves aboard the St. Jan and other Company property
Proclamation of vice-director Beck for the arrest and capture of the pirate which seized the above property. |
17 | 53 |
December 31 1659 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Don Jan de Salamanca, governor of Havana
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck and Gysbert de Rosa to Signor Don Juan de Salamanca, thanking him for attentions shewn at Porto Rico to the captain and crew of a Dutch ship who had been plundered by a Spanish privateer, &c. (2 pages) |
17 | 54 |
January 5 1660 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to the directors in Amsterdam
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to the directors at Amsterdam ; horses exported to the West India islands ; wreck of the ship St. John with negroes ; many perished for want of food ; horses bitten to death by rattlesnakes on the island of Aruba ; protection required from sea rovers ; arrival of negroes from Cape Verd. (3 pages) |
17 | 55 |
February 4 1660 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to director Stuyvesant, inclosing him the above to be forwarded, and urging that measures may be adopted to arrest the sea rovers. (2 pages) |
17 | 56 |
February 4 1660 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to the directors in Amsterdam
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to the directors at Amsterdam ; advantages of the slave trade ; Spaniards supplied with negroes by the Dutch ; French and English privateers visit the island. (9 pages) |
17 | 57 |
February 4 1660 | BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Bill of lading for salt shipped to New Netherland. |
17 | 58 |
March 4 1660 | ACCOUNT of provisions purchased by Captain John Allen of New England
Bill of provisions purchased at Curaçao from the little ship Blossom, Capt. John Allen, from New England. |
17 | 59 |
May 8 1660 | BILL OF LADING for 224 pieces of eight sent to Petrus Stuyvesant
Bill of lading for 224 pieces of eight sent to director Stuyvesant by vice-director Beck. (2 pages) |
17 | 60 |
May 8 1660 | BILL OF LADING for twenty slaves loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Bill of lading for 20 healthy men-slaves or negroes, shipped from Curaçao to New Netherland in the ship Eyckenboom. |
17 | 61 |
May 8 1660 | MANIFEST of animals and provisions loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Invoice of horses, sheep, goats, sugar, cheese, &c., sent from Curaçao to New Netherland. (2 pages) |
17 | 62 |
May 8 1660 | RECEIPT of provisions and materials from Jacob Jansz Huys, skipper of the Nieuw Amstel
Receipt for lumber and provisions sent in the galiot New Amstel from New Netherland to Curaçao. |
17 | 63 |
May 8 1660 | LIST of the officers and crew aboard Den Eijckenboom
List containing the names of the skipper and crew of the ship Eyckenboom. |
17 | 64 |
May 8 1660 | LIST of passengers leaving Curaçao for New Netherland aboard Den Eijckenboom and Nieuw Amstel
Names of the passengers who sailed from Curaçao in the ships Eyckenboom and New Amstel ; among them, Jan Duynkercker and five other Indians. |
17 | 65 |
May 18 1660 | LETTER from Hendrick Martens, commander at Aruba, to Petrus Stuyvesant
Aruba. Letter. Commander Hendrick Martens to director Stuyvesant, advising him that he had shipped a lot of horses, among which is one as a present to him from vice-director Beck. |
17 | 66 |
May 18 1660 | LETTER from Hendrick Martens, commander at Aruba, to Petrus Stuyvesant
Aruba. Letter. Commander Hendrick Martens to director Stuyvesant, advising him that he has shipped, in another vessel, an additional lot of horses for New Netherland, with six sheep and six Kapados goats. (2 pages) |
17 | 67 |
May 18 1660 | BILL OF LADING for twenty-two horses loaded at Aruba for New Netherland
Bills of lading for the above cattle. |
17 | 68a |
May 18 1660 | BILL OF LADING for fifty horses loaded at Aruba for New Netherland
Bills of lading for the above cattle. (2 pages) |
17 | 68b |
August 31 1660 | BILL OF LADING for ten slaves loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Bill of lading for ten sound male slaves or negroes, shipped in the New Netherland Indian from Curaçao to New Netherland. |
17 | 69 |
August 31 1660 | ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Dirck Jansen, skipper of De Nieuw Nederlantse Indiaen
Account, debit and credit, with Dirck Jansen, skipper of the last named vessel ; among the credits are two items, one for the passage of ten New Netherland (Esopus) Indians and six Curaçao Indians. (2 pages) |
17 | 70 |
July 1661 | INVENTORY of papers sent from Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
List of papers sent to director Stuyvesant from Curaçao. |
17 | 71 |
July 21 1661 | BILL OF LADING for seven cases of goods loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Bills of lading for sundry cases and forty slaves (15 men, 14 women, 6 boys and 5 girls), shipped for New Netherland from Curaçao. |
17 | 72 |
July 21 1661 | BILL OF LADING for forty slaves loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Bills of lading for sundry cases and forty slaves (15 men, 14 women, 6 boys and 5 girls), shipped for New Netherland from Curaçao. |
17 | 73 |
February 21 1661 | ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Captain John Allen
Debit and credit account with capt. John Allen (of New England). (3 Pages) |
17 | 74 |
March 7 1661 | BOND of Captain John Allen securing his debt to Matthias Beck
Note of John Allen, commander of the ketch Rebecca, for $380, balance due for horses and negroes purchased at Curaçao. |
17 | 75 |
July 21 1661 | ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh, skipper of De Nieuw Nederlantse Indiaen, with a draft on Petrus Stuyvesant
for payment of balance to the aforesaid skipper
Draft of vice-director Beck on director Stuyvesant for 200 carolus guilders in favor of Dirck Jansen. |
17 | 76 |
July 20 1661 | MANIFEST of cloth loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Invoice of sundry cases of cloth shipped from Curaçao to New Netherland with bill of lading. |
17 | 77 |
July 21 1661 | Copy of Document 72
Copy of Document 72. |
17 | 78 |
July 21 1661 | BOND of Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh securing payment of 150 pieces of eight to Petrus Stuyvesant
Note of Dirck Jansen for $150, being the price of a negro wench purchased by him at Curaçao. |
17 | 79 |
July 21 1661 | Copy of Document 73
Copy of Document 73. |
17 | 80 |
March 4 1664 | ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Jacob Jansen Huys, skipper of De Vergulde Vos
Account. Sales of horses shipped in the Gilded Fox from Curaçao. (2 pages) |
17 | 81 |
March 4 1664 | MANIFEST of sugar loaded at St. Christopher for New Netherland
Invoice of sugar shipped in the Fox from Curaçao to New Netherland. |
17 | 82 |
April 26 1664 | MEMORANDUM of necessities for Curaçao.
Memorandum of necessaries required at Curaçao from New Netherland. |
17 | 83 |
April 28 1664 | MANIFEST of goods loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Invoice of goods shipped in the Sparrow from Curaçao to New Netherland. (2 pages) |
17 | 84 |
July 21 1664 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao, to the directors in Amsterdam
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to the directors at Amsterdam ; slave trade between Curaçao and Carthagena ; ship Gideon arrives from Guinea with over 300 slaves for New Netherland ; capture of Cayenne by the French ; a Dutch ship captured by the English carried into Barbadoes ; garrison of Cayenne brought to Curaçao. (4 pages) |
17 | 85 |
July 21 1664 | BILL OF LADING for 300 slaves loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Bill of lading of 300 merchantable slaves (160 men, 140 women) to be delivered at the Manhattans. |
17 | 86 |
July 21 1664 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao, to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to director Stuyvesant ; a newly discovered mine ; specimens sent to Holland ; a beautiful parrot from the Spanish coast sent to Mrs. Stuyvesant. (2 pages) |
17 | 87 |
June 20 1664 | JOURNAL extracts concerning English actions along the coast of Guinea
Memorandum of the principal occurrences on the coast of Guinea, after the arrival of the English there. (2 pages) |
17 | 88 |
October 22 1664 | MINUTE of the war council of Admiral de Ruyter's squadron concerning the terms granted English merchant ships captured at
Goree on the coast of Africa
Minute of the terms granted by admirals De Ruyter, Meppel and Van Nes, to certain captains of merchantmen chartered by the Royal African Company and captured at Goree, on the coast of Africa. |
17 | 89 |
October 22 1664 | Copy of Document 89
Copy of Document 89. (2 pages) |
17 | 90 |
June 20 1664 | Copy of Document 88
Copy of Document 88. |
17 | 91 |
November 1 1664 | CHARTER of a captured English ship by Admiral de Ruyter to transport goods from Goree to Dutch fortress El Mina
Charter of the English ship Africa by admiral De Ruyter, at Goree, to transport certain goods to El Mina to be delivered there to general Valckenburgh. |
17 | 92 |
November 1 1664 | Copy of Document 92
Copy of Document 92. |
17 | 93 |
November 15 1664 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao to the councillors of New Netherland
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to (Stuyvesant) ; a great West India and East India company organized in France ; all Dutch and English ships to be excluded from trade with the French Caribbean Islands ; designs of the English on Guinea and New Netherland. (5 pages) |
17 | 94 |
November 15 1664 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant and the council of New Netherland
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to Stuyvesant, in answer to his of the 29th July ; designs of the English ; offers of negotiation by the States-General rejected by the English ; preparations for war ; battle between the combined fleets of Austria and France against the Turks ; defeat of the latter ; capture of Cape De Verd ; arrival of 3 or 4 ships from New England at Curaçao ; news from Guadaloupe that Stuyvesant had sunk an English frigate at the Manhattans, and that many on board had perished ; cultivation of the sugar cane ; Balthasar Stuyvesant promised a good tract of land ; William Beck ; negro children whom Mrs. Stuyvesant had had baptized, sent to Curaçao and then sold through mistake to Spaniards from Carthagena ; Peter van Ruyven, brother of Cornelis van Ruyven, clerk at Curaçao. (13 pages) |
17 | 96 |
November 15 1664 | MEMORANDUM of necessities for Curaçao
Memorandum of necessaries required from New Netherland for Curaçao. |
17 | 98 |
November 15 1664 | INVENTORY of papers sent to Petrus Stuyvesant
List of papers and letters sent by vice-director Beck to Stuyvesant. (2 pages) |
17 | 99 |
November 15 1664 | RECEIPT of provisions and materials received from New Netherland
Receipt of Laurens van Ruyven, storekeeper, for sundries received from Holland. |
17 | 100 |
December 11 1664 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao, to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to Stuyvesant ; arrival of his son Balthazar with letters of 12/22 October ; regrets the reduction of New Netherland ; war declared between Holland and England, |
17 | 101 |
February 14 1665 | PROCLAMATION issued by Matthias Beck authorizing the capture of Lourens Prins, captain of an English frigate, who ordered
the plundering of Bonaire
Proclamation of vice-director Beck, setting forth that one Laurens Prins, a native of Amsterdam, commanding an English frigate commissioned by the governor of Jamaica, had made a descent on and laid waste the island of Bonaire on the 11th instant, and authorizing the capture of said Prins and his ship. |
17 | 102 |
April 16 1665 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao to the councillors of New Netherland
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to Stuyvesant, informing him of the arrival of soldiers there from New Netherland, &c, |
17 | 103 |
April 16 1665 | LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Vice-director Beck to Stuyvesant ; no letters from Holland since September ; 150 slaves arrived from Guinea ; admiral de Ruyter's operations on that coast ; no proclamation of war in England or Holland ; English fleet under Prince Rupert gone to sea ; attack on Bonaire ; price of slaves ; slave trade at Jamaica ; reported deaths of the king of Spain and of the duke of York ; peace between the Emperor and the Turk ; appearance for the second time of a fiery comet, visible also in Europe ; Balthazar Stuyvesant's plantation ; presents. |
17 | 104 |
April 17 1665 | ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Balthazar Stuyvesant
Account with Balthazar Stuyvesant for his passage to Curaçao, and for provisions sold by him there. |
17 | 105 |
April 1 - 31 1665 | INVENTORY of papers sent to Petrus Stuyvesant
Inventory of papers transmitted to general Stuyvesant from Curaçao, |
17 | 106 |
April 19 1665 | LETTER from Wilhelmus Volckeringh, domine on Curaçao, to Gerrit van Tricht, merchant on Manhattan
Curaçao. Letter. Wilhelmus Valckingburgh to Gerrit van Tricht, merchant at the Manhattans, with postscript dated 10th July, 1665, announcing that war had been declared between Holland and England, |
17 | 107 |
1665 | REGISTER of goods loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
Invoice of goods laden at Curaçao. |
17 | 108 |
July 1 1665 | LETTER from Balthazar Stuyvesant to Nicolaes Bayard at Manhattan
Curaçao. Letter. Balthazar Stuyvesant to Nicolas Bayard at the Manhattans ; operations of admiral de Ruyter at Barbadoes and other West India islands ; news from Europe ; a portion of the girls at Manhattan reported to be entirely English, |
17 | 109 |
July 12 1665 | LETTER from Wilhelmus Volckeringh, domine on Curaçao, to Petrus Stuyvesant
Curaçao. Letter. Wilhelmus Valckenburgh to Petrus Stuyvesant ; news of passing events. |
17 | 110 |
Volume 17, Box 1: Photostats; Barcode: B2505729 | 2 |