
Auburn Prison Annual reports of Auburn Prison and Prison for Women

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Overview of the Records


New York State Archives
New York State Education Department
Cultural Education Center
Albany, NY 12230

This series consists of annual reports submitted by the prison warden to the Commissioner of Correction. The reports include statistical and descriptive information on prison matters such as financial receipts and expenditures; prison labor; incarcerated population; industries; educational and other programs; discipline; maintenance; and administration and operation of the prison.
Annual reports of Auburn Prison and Prison for Women

5 cubic feet

Inclusive Dates:
Series Number:



Scope and Content Note

These are annual reports submitted by the prison warden to the Commissioner of Correction in accordance with the Correction Law. These are typed copies of the reports which give statistical and descriptive information on such prison matters as: financial receipts and expenditures; prison labor; incarcerated population; industries; educational and other programs; discipline; maintenance; and other matters relating to the administration and operation of the prison. Reports for 1968-1974 are unbound, with reports from each program or section of the prison collected in a file folder.

Other Finding Aids

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Custodial History

The annual report for 1962-1963 was originally accessioned as Series B1007-77. That single volume was added to the current series by Archives staff in December 1999 as part of a project to integrate estrayed records.

Access Restrictions

There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the material.

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