Declaration of Dominicus Cryger and Hans Jelissen that the captain of the St. Pieter broke bulk at the Bermudas
Domminicus Crigier, supercargo, and Hans Jelisz van [ de ] Wyer, skipper, on the requisition of fiscal van[ der ] Hoykens, attest and testify, in place and with promise of a solemn oath if necessary and required, that it is true that they lay with the ship De Eendracht at the Bermudas where the yacht St. Piter, of which Symon Jansen of Durikerdam was master, arrived, which skipper broke bulk there and exposed his goods for sale, of his own free will, without persuasion or constraint on the part of the governor of the place. All of which they, the deponents, offer if need be to confirm on oath, declaring further that this is done by them for the sake of bearing witness of the truth, which every one is bound to do when required. Done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 23rd of February 1645.