Power of attorney from Harmen Hendricksen to Gillis Verbrugge to receive from the West India Company money earned by him in New Netherland
Before me, Cornelis van Tienhoven, secretary of New Netherland, appeared Harmen Hendricksz from Witmont,[1] cooper, who came over on the Princes in 1646, and who in the presence of the undersigned witnesses appoints and empowers, as he hereby does, Mr. Gillis Verbruggen to demand, collect and receive in his, the principal's, name from the honorable directors of the Chartered West India Company, at the chamber in Amsterdam, the sum of two hundred and fifty-nine guilders, five stivers, seven pennies, earned by the above named Harmen Hendricksz in New Netherland, as appears by the annexd account. On payment of the aforesaid sum by the said directors to the above mentioned Verbrugge, or his substitute, he shall have power to execute therefor a receipt in due form, which shall be valid; he, Harmen Hendricksz, holding as valid whatever shall be done and performed in the matter by his above named attorney or his substitute. Thus done and the original hereof in the record signed by the above named Harmen Hendricksz and by Johannes Rodenborch and Jacob Kip as witnesses, the first of September A°. 1648, in New Amsterdam in New Netherland.