Secret article agreed to by director Stuyvesant and governor Risingh on the surrender of Fort Christina
It is further stipulated that the skipper, with whom the honorable lord governor, Johan Risingh, and Factor Hendrick Elswyck are to depart, be expressly ordered and charged to place the aforementioned Risingh and Elswyck personally ashore either in England or France; and that the lord general shall lend Johan Risingh the sum of three hundred Flemish pounds in cash or in bills of exchange which the said lord governor, Johan Risingh, agrees to repay the lord general or his attorney in cash or bills of exchange at Amsterdam within the period of six months after receipt of the aforementioned sum; mortgaging meanwhile for the aforementioned sum the equivalent of the Crown's or South Company's effects left in the hands of the lord general against receipt, of which two identical copies are to be made and signed by both parties.
Done 15/25 September 1655 at the meeting ground between Fort Christina and the camp of the lord general, Petrus Stuyvesant.