

Answer to propositions about Delaware with instructions to publish the declaration of war against Holland

Scanned Document:

Whereas the Proposalls hereunto annexed were presented unto mee by Capt. Edmond Cantwell I have thought good to give this Result thereupon, together with the following Orders concerning the Regulation of Affayres in Delaware.

In Answer to the first Proposall about the New Blockhouse at New Castle in Delaware; Since my former Orders concerning the finishing thereof have been noe better observed, I doe once more enjoyne them the compleating of it, before the first day of November next, and that under the penalty of one thousand guilders Seawant in case of Default; As to the way of raising a Tax or Contribucion for the Effecting thereof. It shall bee left to the Discretion of the Officers there either to raise it by the way proposed, or any other they shall judge most convenient.

To the second concerning the great Abuse in selling strong Liquours to the Indyans, I doe hereby Order, and strictly enjoyne the Magistrates and Officers at New Castle and other parts in Delaware River to cause the Lawes and Orders heretofore made on that behalfe to bee more carefully and severely putt in Execucion for the future to prevent such Danger and ill Consequences as otherwise might thereby ensue.

3. As to the third, That a Person be nominated to receive the Quit-Rents in Delaware River, I have thought fitt to Order and Appoint Capt. Edmond Cantwell, who is to bee the present High Sheriff, to bee Receiver and Collector of the said Quitt-Rents, for the which hee shall have my Authentick Commission, and for his Trouble and paines therein, hee shall have a reasonable Allowance. 4

4. And as to the fourth about the Runn-away Servants that frequently pass through Delaware either in coming from or goeing into Maryland and Virginia, It is ordered that noe Person or Persons, but such as have Passes and Certificates, or can give a good Account of their Travailes towards these parts, or goeing from hence, shall bee permitted'to travaile, but shall bee apprehended, and kept in safe Custody, untill it bee made known what they are, and to whom they doe belong; The Care hereof is to bee committed to the Bayliff of New Castle, and the High Sheriffe, who are to Act joyntly herein, both as to the Examining of their Ticketts or passes, and likewise to give Ticketts to such as shall have Occasion thereof; And noe person is to presume privily to conceale or convey away any such Servant, but if hee bee acquainted therewith, that hee give Notice of any such Run-away unto the Magistrates or Officers under the penalty of space left blank  ] .

It is likewise Ordered, That Capt. John Carr the present Bayliff, and High-Sherriffe, Mr. Wm. Tom, and Mr. Hans Block, or any three of them have Inspection into the Arreares of the Quitt-Rents, the Fines about the Long Finn,[1] as also the Taxes and Rates for the keeping the High and Low Courts in New Castle and Delaware River, and all other publick Rates and Taxes, to make Enquiry how and where they have been disposed of, or in whose hands they are, and where any persons are in Arreare to levy the same by Distress; Of all which they are to render mee an Exact and speedy Account that all Abuses, therein may bee regulated.

WHEREAS his Majestie hath been pleased to give Order that his Declaracion of Warr against the States Generali of the United Belgick Provinces, should bee proclaimed in all his Colonyes and Territoryes, It is ordered That forthwith after the Arrivall of Capt. Edmond Cantwell at New-Castle the said Declaracion is publickly to bee read there, and also at the Whore-Kill as soon as Opportunity shall present to send from thence thither.

That the great Gunns bee with all convenient speed sent up to the Block-houses in Delaware River according to my former Order, And that the greatest bee disposed of according to the distance of the Places.

As to the Determinacion of the Busyness between Foppe Outhout and Isaack Tyne which soe long hath been in Dispute, That the Orders made by the Court at New Castle concerning the same bee inspected and examined into by the present Bayliff and Assistants in the presence of Capt. Carr and Mr. Tom, or one of them, who together are to make a finall result thereupon, there having been some Misinformacion heretofore given unto mee, as to that particular Affayre, which is the Occasion of it's being now calld in question.

And Lastly, It is to bee taken notice of. That although there is an Alteration as to the Officers and holding of Courts at New-Castle, yet this doth noe way intrench upon the Priveledges of the High Court for the Towne and River which is to continue in the same manner it did formerly without any Molestation or Interruption upon this or the like Accompt.

Given under my hand at Forte James in New Yorke this blank  ] day of August in the 24th yeare of his Majesties Reigne, Annoque Domini 1672.

Endorsed: ]

Delaware Papers of severall Concernes from 1668 to some time in 1673. Some papers of Maryland Concernes before and in that time.

Delaware affaires
May 17 1672.

Viewed March the 23rd 1676.

Maryland etc.


See 20:6 for a list of these fines.


Translation: Gehring, C. trans./ed., New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vols. 20-21, Delaware Papers: English Period, 1664-1682 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1981).A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.