Order to the inhabitants of Elizabethtown and five neighboring towns to
nominate magistrates
Scanned Document:
At a Meeting of the Commanders and Honorable Council of War of New Netherland, holden
in Fort William Hendrik, on Saturday, 19th of August, Anno
Present — |
Commander Jacob Benckes, |
Commander Cornelis Evertsen, Junior, |
Captain A. Colve. |
The Deputies from the Towns of Elisabets Towne, Neu worke, Woodbridge, Piscattaway,
Middeltowne and Schrousbury appearing, are ordered to call together the inhabitants
of their respective Towns, and to have them nominate by plurality of votes, a double
number for Schepens or Magistrates of said Towns; also from each Town to elect two
Deputies, who shall meet together as one Board, and then nominate, by the greater
number of votes, three persons for Schout and three for Secretary, over the said six
Towns, to which end the following Order is sent to each of them:
The Commanders-in-Chiefe and Councell of warr in fort William Hendrik.
Do herebij order & strictlij require the Inhabitants of Elizabeth Towne to call â
Townes Meeting, and by â generall vote to nominate six persons for magestraets of
their said towne, as alsoo to appoint twoo deputys who are to meete with the rest of
the fijve neighbouring townes, to wit: New worke, Woodbridge, Piscattawaij,
Middletowne & Shrousburrij, wich said deputys shall be authorized to nominate
three persons for Schout and three for Secretarijs, out of wich said nominated
persons bij us shall be ellected for each towne three magestrates, and for the said
six Townes in generall, one for Schout & one for Secretary, and the said
Inhabitants & deputys are herebij requiered to make a true returne thereof unto
us within the space of six daijes next ensuing. Dated at forte Willem Hendrik the 19
of August, Anno 1673.
(: Signed: ) |
Jacob Benckes,[1]
Cornelis Everts, Junior. |
Jacob Benckes, after
the reduction of New-York, returned to Europe, and obtained considerable reputation in
the war between France and Holland, in which he commanded a squadron of thirteen ships.
With these he set sail on the 16th of March, 1676, against the French possessions in the
West Indies, and arrived before the Island of Cayenne on the 4th of May; attacked the
place with great fury, and reduced it in a short time, after which he captured St.
Martins, and proceeded to the Island of Tobago, then in the possession of the Dutch,
whither he was followed in February, 1677, by Count d'Estrées, the French Admiral, who
demanded the surrender of the fort. This being refused, the place was stormed and the
Dutch fleet attacked. After an engagement which lasted from the break of day until
night, the French were obliged to retire with considerable loss, leaving the victory to
the Dutch, and M. d'Estrées returned to France whence he was again dispatched in October
and arrived in December following, with sixteen sail of the line, before Tobago. Here he
landed 1,500 men with suitable artillery and summoned Commander Benckes, who refused to
surrender. The place was soon after invested and the cannonading began on both sides.
Towards noon Commander Benckes, Captain de Montigny of the Marines and other officers
were about sitting down to dinner. Unfortunately the dining room was directly over the
magazine or store where the ammunition was kept Along the pathway leading from this
store to the battery much powder was strewed by those supplying the gunners, and one of
the enemy's fireballs falling in this path set the train on fire, and in a moment the
magazine exploded, instantly killing Vice-Admiral Benckes and most of his officers. Kok, VI., 562; History of the Buccaniers,
8d edition, London, 8vo., 1704, pp 177-180. Thus perished, on the 12th December, 1677,
in the height of a brilliant career, this brave seaman who identified himself with our
history, by the reduction of New-York, thus vindicating the honor of Fatherland. —
Translation: O'Callaghan, E.B., trans./ed., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, vol. 2 (Albany: Weed, Parsons: 1858), pp. 569-730 (vol. 23, pp. 1-270 only).A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.