RESOLUTION concerning departure of Stuyvesant, appointment of a provisional director
Resolution drafted the 22nd of August 1644 at Fort Amsterdam on Curaçao.
Whereas the wound received by the honorable lord director before St. Martin, according to the certification and declaration of the surgeons here, based on daily examinations, unfortunately cannot be cured and completely healed in this warm and hot country and for this reason [ he ] must return to the fatherland; therefore, his honor desires before his departure, with the advice of the council and other officers, to leave his administration and government of this region in such a form and manner as might be of most service to the Company and most beneficial to its servants for the preservation of this island; whether it be in the form of a council made up of the most eminent and qualified people or in the form of a commander. Therefore, after having deliberated on the matter, we have decided that the government should be left, as was done previously, in the hands of a provisional commander, who shall propose all matters concerning government, military and trade, to be decided and concluded by a majority of the council present. Thus done and concluded at the place, day and year at stated above; and in acknowledgment of the truth signed by us.