BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
I, the underwritten, Jan Pietersen van Dockum, skipper on the ship Speramundij, hereby acknowledge to have received at Curaçao in my aforesaid ship, on behalf of the honorable lords-directors of the West India Company, chamber at Amsterdam, fifty last of salt, on the condition that a true fourth part of the aforesaid salt or the true value thereof shall be delivered freight-free to the honorable lord director-general on behalf of the same Company in N. Nederlandt for the account and on behalf of the same Company, at the aforesaid chamber, on the terms of the same lord director, if the Lord God grants me a safe journey; pledging hereto my aforesaid ship with all its appurtenances and also my person and goods, subject to all laws and judges. In acknowledgement of the truth, I have signed three identical bonds with my own hand, of which the others are invalid when one has been satisfied. On the island of Curaçao in Fort Amsterdam, the 24th of August 1659. That is to say, Bonairo.
For one passage.