

The series is arranged alpha-numerically by audit number. Audit numbers are based upon year of the audit, type of audit, and the sequence in which the audit was performed. For instance, audit number 91-S-81 means that the corresponding audit was conducted in 1991, that it was a "standard audit", and that it was the 81st standard audit completed that year. Types of audits are indicated in the number by the following codes: S - Standard audit (typical full program audit); D - Studies (these are limited or special examinations of programs, and are not regulatory in nature); R - Contractor audits (audits of contractors doing business with the State); F - Follow-up audits (these audits are conducted as follow-up to previous standard or contractor audits); T - Tuition Assistance Program audits (audits conducted of the TAP program administered by the Higher Education Services Corporation specifically under TAP legislative requirements).