
Scope and Content Note

A0635-78: These are small amounts of unrelated archival materials from several sources. They were gathered and retained by the State Library but remained unprocessed prior to transfer to the State Archives as state government records.

Included in a group pertaining to the state's geology are published copies of the annual reports of the Geological Survey for 1838 and 1839; of the state geologist for 1882 and 1885; of bulletin no. 85 (Economic Geology 12) on hydrology, 1904; and several geological quadrangle maps associated with other museum bulletins.

Also present in the series are receipted newspaper bills for printing in agricultural, daily, and weekly papers, and for bill posters, advertising the 1904 New York State Fair at Syracuse; "chart statements" on assets, liabilities, and income of insurance companies sent to the Insurance Department (1883); extradition papers from the governor's office on a variety of cases (1896-1923); and maintenance orders for goods and services provided to the New York House of Refuge, Randall's Island (1928).

A0635-00: This accretion consists of damaged, scattered documents collected by the State Library after the 1911 Capitol Fire. Records include petitions by the legislature on a variety of subjects; correspondence from the offices of governors George Clinton and Daniel Tompkins; election returns; school returns; accounts and minutes from the office of the director of the State Museum; and other materials.