
Administrative History

In 1894, the New York State Woman's Relief Corps Home (later the New York State Veterans' Home) was established to provide for aged dependent veterans and their wives, veterans' mothers, veterans' widows, and army nurses who suffered from a "physical disability or other cause" that rendered them unable to care for or provide for themselves (L. 1894, Ch. 468; L. 1897, Ch. 47). Unlike the New York State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home in Bath, N.Y., which housed only male veterans, this facility opened its doors in May 1897 to women who served either as wartime nurses or who were related to honorably discharged male veterans. Male veterans were allowed to apply for admission, provided that they were married and were accompanied by their wives when living at the Home.

While admission to the Home was originally restricted to Civil War veterans with their wives, veterans' widows, and army nurses, later legislation expanded the eligible applicant pool to include the following groups: Spanish-American War veterans with their wives, and these veterans' widows and mothers (L. 1923, Ch. 60); daughters of Civil War veterans (L. 1925, Ch. 175): World War I veterans with their wives, and these veterans' widows and mothers (L. 1931, Ch. 201); as well as veterans of the Philippine-American War with their wives, and these veterans' widows, mothers, and daughters (L. 1936, Ch. 750).

The site chosen for the Home was located in the Village of Oxford, in Chenango County. When the facility opened, it housed only 24 residents in a single building; by 1911, the Home had expanded to include 172 residents living on a campus with five buildings, including four cottages and an infirmary.

The Home was originally administered by a Board of Managers, which consisted of three male members of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of New York, and six female members of the Woman's Relief Corps, Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of New York. Until 1927, the Board was authorized to appoint the Home's superintendent and other employees, set their salaries, and report annually to the State Legislature. Thereafter, a Board of Visitors oversaw the administration of the Home; approved or disapproved admissions to the Home; and conducted inspections of the facility under the supervision of the New York State Department of Charities, which in 1929 became the Department of Social Welfare. In 1967, the newly created Department of Social Services assumed control of the Home, which by that time had become known as the New York State Veterans' Home.

In 1971, the Department of Health took over control of the Home, and recommended that the facility be replaced because its wood frame construction did not conform to national fire codes. A year later, the State Legislature appropriated funds to complete the work, and in 1979 the current building opened its doors. Today, the Home continues to provide skilled nursing care for honorably discharged New York State veterans and their dependents.

Additional information on the history of the Home is available in the Annual Report of the Board of Managers, New York State Woman's Relief Corps Home, Oxford, N.Y.: For the Aged Dependent Veteran and His Wife, Veterans' Mothers, Widows, and Army Nurses, Residents of New York State, available at the New York State Library.