
Scope and Content Note

This series contains records concerning the insurance, training, housing and supervision of the cadets participating in the Farm Cadet Victory Corps Program, an effort to recruit, train, place, house, and employ several thousand high school students as seasonal farm laborers. It includes reports on the arrivals, departures, and performance of farm cadets submitted by County Agricultural Extension agents and maintained by the Farm Manpower Service as part of its responsibility for the program's overall administration.

Also included are transcripts of radio programs relating to the Farm Cadet Victory Corps and a sample of a questionnaire given to farmers, one of the many sources of the information necessary for the Farm Manpower Service to fulfill its duty to provide statistics on farm labor.

The correspondence concerns details of the program such as work permits, insurance, and insignia. It contains complaints regarding the conditions of work and housing made by cadets, their parents, or the hiring farmers and records of the subsequent investigation of these complaints.

This series also includes materials from related programs used by W.J. Weaver, the State Education Department Supervisor, in his work with the Farm Cadet Victory Corps Program.