
Administrative History

The 332nd Infantry Regiment was part of the 83rd Division, which was deployed overseas in June 1918. After training in France the regiment was detached for service as army and corps troops, and on July 25 it moved, with the 331st Field Hospital, to Villafranca, Custoza, and Sommacompagna, Italy. In October the regiment participated in the Vittorio-Veneto Operation (Italy). The regiment assisted in establishing bridgeheads at the Piave River, and as part of the Italian 31st Division (Tenth Italian Army) particpated in the pursuit of the Austrians from the Piave to the Tagliamento River. The Second Battalion crossed the Tagliamento under fire and reached Villaorba on November 4, when the Austrian armistice became effective. Thereafter the Second Battalion arrived at Cattaro and sent troops into Montenegro; Headquarters and the First Battalion moved into Treviso; and the Third Battalion moved to Fiume. The regiment assembled at Genoa in March 1919 and the first contingent sailed for the U.S. on March 29. The second contingent sailed from Marseille on March 29 and April 4, 1919.