
Administrative History

In 1981, responsibility of guiding development on Roosevelt Island was transferred from the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), to the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) pursuant to a memorandum of understanding between these two agencies. DHCR then assigned all its rights and responsibilities to Safe Affordable Housing for Everyone, Inc. (SAHE), a corporation under the direct control of DHCR's Commissioner of Housing. SAHE, formed under Article 6 of the Private Housing Finance Law, became responsible for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of services and facilities of Roosevelt Island, including: the tramway; a minibus transportation system; a sports complex; parks and grounds; and the rental of commercial space.

The lack of clear statutory authority, however, hindered DHCR's ability, via SAHE, to provide services to the island's residents. As a result, the New York State Legislature created the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC), a state public benefit corporation, in 1984 to take over development and operations of Roosevelt Island.