
New York State Division of State Police Publicity Materials Relating to Attica Correctional Facility Riot of 1971

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Overview of the Records


New York State Archives
New York State Education Department
Cultural Education Center
Albany, NY 12230

This series documents publicity about the Attica Correctional Facility riot and its aftermath, and the effort of the Division of State Police to track that publicity. The records include newspaper clippings (texts and pictures), wirephoto prints and other photographs, printouts of New York Times abstracts of news stories and editorials, and copies of press releases by Governor Hugh L. Carey, 1976.
Publicity materials relating to Attica Correctional Facility riot of 1971

0.5 cubic feet

Inclusive Dates:
circa 1971-1976
Bulk Dates:
bulk 1971
Series Number:


Newspaper clippings: Alphabetical by name/region of newspaper, then by date.

Scope and Content Note

The records document publicity about the Attica Correctional Facility riot and its aftermath. They include: a binder containing newspaper clippings (texts and pictures) about the riot; wirephoto prints and other photographs of National Guard, State Police, and Corrections personnel, of inmates (not identifiable), and of the inner yard of the prison after it was retaken; Lexis/Nexis printouts of New York Times abstracts of news stories and editorials regarding the riot, the ensuing negotiations, and the retaking of the prison; and copies of press releases by Governor Hugh L. Carey, 1976, regarding the investigations of the Attica events. These materials contain visual and textual evidence of the intense publicity that the Attica events received, and the effort of the Division of State Police to track that publicity.

Alternate Formats Available

Items Online

High resolution images of selected original documents in this series are available in State Archives Digital Collections.

New York State Archives Digital Collections

Publicity materials relating to Attica Correctional Facility riot of 1971, circa 1971-1976

Access Restrictions

There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the material.